
RCS Bus Transportation
433 County Home Rd. Reidsville, N.C. 27320
Office 336-634-3275 Fax 336-634-3210
Hours 5:30 am - 5:45 pm Monday - Friday
The Rockingham County Schools Transportation Department provides transportation for 6,296 students each day. This department maintains and routes 125 yellow school buses. They travel over 9,500 miles per day. This includes 14 special need buses transporting on average 200 students to 23 schools in the system. There are 9 mechanics and 2 fuel men to support this fleet of buses. The Rockingham County School students and staff have 36 Activity buses available for athletic and enrichment studies. These Activity Buses average 532 trips per month. Several of these buses provide special equipment for students with special needs. Our goal is to provide safe, efficient travel for all students and staff in Rockingham County.
Please contact your student's school for stop times and bus assignment
Parent Information
The Laws & Policies set forth by the state of North Carolina stipulate every child must be assigned to a bus. In Rockingham County you must notify the school that your child attends in order to have your child assigned to a bus. Board policy states, if a child doesn't ride for 5 or more consecutive days the student is taken off the bus roster. To receive funding from the state, students must be assigned to a bus. In an effort to manage buses as efficiently as possible, our goal is to run buses with all seats filled. Seats cannot be held for students on a might ride basis. If the student decides they would like to start riding the bus again, they must contact their school to get reassigned. If a student shows up at a bus stop and they are not assigned to that bus, they can be refused transportation due to the lack of seating. State Board of Education Policy requires the capacity of the bus cannot be exceeded. Also, if the bus is involved in an accident, all students must be assigned and a seating chart in place so all may be accounted for in completed investigations and reports.
Bus Stop Supervision: Grades PK-3
It is the duty and responsibility of parents, guardians or their designee to provide supervision at the bus stop for students in grades PK-3.
Procedures for Morning Bus Stops
Students should be at their designated stops 10 minutes prior to normal pick-up time
School Bus Drivers are not allowed to wait for students who are not at the designated stop.
Procedure for Unsupervised Bus Stop
The following procedure will be used when students (grades PK-3) are unable to be left at their stop location and must be returned to school:
The driver will take the student back to their assigned school.
School personnel will contact parent/guardian to pick up the child at the school.
The school requires that the parent/guardian come inside the school with ID, to sign a form stating that no one was at the stop location to receive the student.
After three incidents of no parent/guardian at stop location, school personnel will contact the Department of Social Services.
Bus Routes
Unless road or other conditions make it inadvisable, public school buses shall be routed on state-maintained highways, municipal streets or other streets with publicly dedicated right-of-way. G.S. 115C-246(b) also states that, with regard to school buses routed on state-maintained highways, municipal streets and other streets with publicly dedicated right-of-way, “the local board of education shall not be responsible for damage to the roadway.“ Each public school bus shall be routed so the bus passes within one mile of the residence of each pupil assigned to the bus.
Guidelines For Bus Stop Placement
School bus stop placements are governed by NC State Board of Education Policy as stated in TITLE 16, NORTH CAROLINA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE, ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY EDUCATION, NORTH CAROLINA STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION, SUBCHAPTER 6B - STUDENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM which states in part: “.0004 (b) A route may not deviate from a general path of direction for a distance of less that one half mile and then return to the original path except for groups of 10 or more pupils, unescorted pupils in grades K-3 or special education pupils.” “.0004 (c) Unless safety factors require otherwise, superintendents may not plan bus stops closer together than 0.2 miles. Each student must be at the designated stop at the time of the bus’ arrival.”
Special Request for Multiple Stops
Requests for multiple stop placements, depending upon the day of the week or other considerations, cannot be accommodated. Students are allowed one stop in the am and one in the pm. This stop can not change daily.
Processing Time
Except for the beginning of the school year, the Transportation Department will process your transportation request within five days of receipt.
Athletic Equipment & Instruments
No athletic equipment is allowed on the school bus. No band instruments allowed unless they can be held in the student’s lap.
Out of District Transportation
If a student lives out of district they may ride a bus to an existing stop in the district of the school they attend. If the in district student that is assigned to that stop stops riding the bus, the stop will be removed from the route and the out of district student is removed from the bus.