Retirement Information

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group of retirees

"Quote from a retiree"




NC Retirement System - (919) 814-4590 the Call Center is open Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.  Please Note: Currently, the Call  Center takes a lunch break from 11:30 am to 12:30 pm

Retirement Information 101 

Retirement Map of all Steps

Orbit NC Retirement System 

Teachers and State Employees Handbook

If you would like to sign up for a Retirement Meeting with the North Carolina Retirement System online please click here to register.

Retiring in the next 3-4 months?


  • Complete the form and give it to your Principal/Director

  • The office of Human Resources will contact you to schedule a retirement meeting once the Resignation Form is received

For additional information, please contact Kiesha Watkins in Human Resources at or 336-627-2678.