Rockingham County Schools Clear Bag Policy

Beginning in August 29, 2023, all football games at a RCS venue will have a clear bag policy for spectators in an effort to promote safety and security. Beginning September 5, 2023 all RCS athletic venues will have a clear bag policy. Approved and non-approved bags are indicated below.
Approved Bags
Bags must be clear plastic, vinyl or PVC and have a maximum of one logo imprint not exceeding 4.5 inches tall by 3.4 inches wide.
Examples of approved bags:
Clear plastic or vinyl bags that are no larger than 12” x 6” x 12”
One gallon-sized clear plastic storage bag
Medical Bags containing medically necessary items, after proper inspection
Diaper bags with infant/toddler present, after proper inspection
Exceptions to the clear bag policy will be made for credentialed media, those with necessary medical items and diaper bags with an infant and/or toddler present after proper inspection.
Non-Approved Bags
Clutch Bag or purse
Duffle Bags
Drawstring Bags
Fanny Packs
Cinch/Drawstring bags
Computer/Camera Bags, excluding credentialed members of the press