What is language immersion education (SPLASH!)?
The focus of language immersion programs is to help students become proficient in a target language while mastering subject content from other disciplines. In immersion programs language is not taught as a subject; it is the medium in which core instruction is delivered. Research shows the most effective way for children to acquire a second language is to integrate instruction into the standard curriculum children are already learning. Research shows that immersion education students outperform students in traditional language classes, do as well as or better than non-immersion students on standardized tests, and have a greater appreciation of cultural diversity. SPLASH! is the name of the language immersion program in Rockingham County.
SPLASH Applications
2024-2025 SPLASH APPLICATIONS - Opens on Monday, March 11th at 6pm!
For the 2024-2025 school year Bethany Elementary and Stoneville Elementary Schools are accepting applications for kindergarten and first grade students for their Spanish Language Immersion Programs. For the 2024-2025 school year South End Elementary School is accepting applications for first grade students for their Spanish Language Immersion Program. Students will be placed in the program in the order in which the applications are received until the class is full. If a student is not selected, he/she will be placed on the waiting list. If applying for more than one child, please complete a separate application for each child.
Please see the links below to the kindergarten and first grade application for SPLASH. The applications are available in English and Spanish.
For Questions Contact
Lisa Miller
Coordinator of K-12 Instructional Programs
336.634.3209 Ext 49221
Email Lisa Miller- miller2@rock.k12.nc.us