The Rock Shop - A Teacher Warehouse

Beginning with the 2015-2016 school year, a collaborative effort began. The idea for a teacher supply warehouse was born in Rockingham Leadership Academy. In July of 2016, Rockingham County Schools and Rockingham County Education Foundation joined forces with Johnson Control in efforts to support the start up of this project.
Each year before the beginning of school, Johnson Control along with Rockingham County Schools collects school supplies through a "Stuff the Bus" campaign. A bus is parked at each Walmart location in the county as a collection site for two consecutive days. This community based project has been hugely successful due to your support. The donated school supplies are used to help teachers supply their classes with materials that students may need on a daily basis.
We keep an organized list of the most used student supplies. In addition to new supplies, if you have gently used children's books, office supplies, copy paper or other items that you are willing to donate to the warehouse, we'd be happy to accept them. Please contact Moriah Dollarhite to arrange a drop off time.
In addition to items, monetary donations are always welcome. The Rockingham County Education Foundation, a 501c3 non-profit organization, has agreed to manage donations for this project. Please mail donations/checks to:
The Rockingham County Education Foundation
124 South Scales Street
Reidsville, N.C. 27320
Designate on the check that the funds are for the RCS-The Rock Shop. All dollars donated will go towards the Teacher Supply Warehouse- or as we have named it "The Rock Shop!"
Thank you Rockingham County for your support!
Ordering from the Rock Shop
The Rock Shop now operates from our four traditional high schools. Each high school, serves as a distribution hub to the feeder schools in their zone. The supplies they use are from our annual Stuff the Bus event and are free to teachers. Beginning teachers are given first priority before orders are filled countywide. As orders are filled, students filling orders will only send the number listed as a maximum order and will indicate on the form if items are "out of stock." Orders will not be "back ordered," instead you may fill out another order later to see if items have been restocked.

Serving the following schools
Bethany Elementary
Lincoln Elementary
Wentworth Elementary
Rockingham Middle
Rockingham Early College High
Rockingham High School

Serving the following schools
Dillard Academy
Stoneville Elementary
Huntsville Elementary
Western Rockingham Middle
Dalton McMichael High

Serving the following schools
Central Elementary
Leaksville-Spray Elementary l
Douglass Elementary
Holmes Middle
John Motley Morehead High

Serving the following schools
Williamsburg Elementary
South End Elementary
Monroeton Elementary
Moss Street
Reidsville Middle
Reidsville High