Rockingham County Schools Careers
Are you ready to help our students believe, achieve and succeed?

Our Vision and Mission Statements
Vision Statement
Mission Statement
Rockingham County Schools will empower each child to be a life-long learner, equipped to contribute in a changing, complex society.
Through effective relationships with family and community partners, Rockingham County Schools will provide a safe, dynamic, nurturing, and innovative learning environment in which each child has the opportunity to reach his/her highest potential.
Discover Rockingham County
Rockingham County is such a diverse area to be a part of. You can hike our trails, such as Chinqua-Penn Walking Trail. Go fishing at Reidsville Lake. Come kayak the Dan River. No matter what you do, do it in Rockingham County.
Words from our Staff

Get in Touch
336-627-2600 - New Employee Orientation/Substitutes ext. 72693 - Licensure ext. 72679 - Retirement ext. 72678 - Parent Background Checks ext. 72692 - Beginning Teacher Coordinator