Request Of Reassignment

students walking and talking to each other

2025-2026 Request for Student Reassignment Process Timeline

Beginning Wednesday, March 19, 2025 the RCS Request for NEW Reassignment Application will be available for students requesting new transfers for the next school year and based on a lottery system for all schools except for Rockingham Early College High School.

  • Once enrolled in a particular school, such school and feeder pattern becomes the student’s assigned school unless the parent or guardian requests reassignment to a different school using the transfer process.

  • Requests for new transfers are reviewed and appropriate decisions made based on reason(s) provided and capacity in the school.  The administration may grant transfer requests only if the requested school has sufficient space meaning; the calculated school membership is under 95%, adequate staff allotments, grade level capacity which can include state required teacher student ratio and appropriate programming.

  • New requests for reassignment should be made between March 19 and May 1.

  • No more than one reassignment request per student will be granted each year.

  • Parents are responsible for transportation to and from school for reassigned students.

  • The Superintendent or designee may rescind a reassignment if the student has problems with serious misconduct, exhibits poor academic performance inconsistent with their abilities, or accumulates excessive absences, tardies or dismissals. If the reassignment was granted for specific academic programs, the student must meet the expectations of that program in order to continue participating.

  • Further details on student reassignment may be found in the Board Policy 4150.

Date - Activity

Wednesday, March 19 – Wednesday, May 1, 2025 - All new applications will be available at the RCS Central Office, at all RCS schools, or online at the Rockingham County Schools Website  All new applications should be sent to Jessica Isley at RCS Central Office.  To be considered, applications must be received between March 19 – May 1.

Thursday, May 1, 2025 - Final Deadline for ALL NEW Student Reassignment Requests.  

Friday, June 6, 2025 - All K-8th grade students enrolled in Rockingham County Schools will receive notification of school assignment on the final report card.

Thursday, June 12, 2025 - All 9th-11th grade students enrolled in Rockingham County Schools will receive notification of school assignment on their final report card.

June 23, 2025 – August 11, 2025 - Roll out of incoming Kindergarten student assignments notification. 

Friday, August 29, 2025 - Final approval/denial of new student assignment letters will be sent home for families that have relocated to Rockingham County after May 1.

​*Dates are subject to change due to inclement weather and/or make-up days.

In County Reassignment Applications for 2025-2026

Out of County Reassignment Applications for 2025-2026 

Child Care and Employer Verification Forms