Student Health

Below is important information about student health, including general health guidelines, flu and illness information, and other health-related topics:
Student Health Centers
The health centers are located in each of the four traditional high schools: McMichael High School, Morehead High School, Reidsville High School and Rockingham County High School.
Garrett’s Law-Garrett’s law was enacted in 2004. It mandates schools provide parents and guardians with information about meningococcal meningitis and influenza and the vaccines that protect against these diseases. The law was expanded in 2007 to mandate that information also be provided about human papillomavirus (HPV) and the vaccines available to protect against HPV.
Health & Wellness
From time to time, your child may not feel their best. It can be challenging to decide whether they should stay home from school or if it's okay for them to attend. Here is some guidance from our district nursing team, compiled from trusted medical resources.
Health Guidance and School Attendance (English & Spanish)
When Should My Child Stay Home From School? (English & Spanish)
Respiratory Illness Information:
What Parents Need to Know about the Flu (English & Spanish)
Respiratory Illness Guidance (English & Spanish)
Cover Your Cough (English & Spanish)
Meningococcal Disease Information:
Human Papillomavirus Information:
Immunization and Health Assessment Requirements:
2024 Immunization and Health Requirements with Deadlines
NC Immunization Rules and Laws
All students entering public school in North Carolina are required to submit a current and up to date certificate of immunization within 30 days of school attendance. Students who have NOT provided the immunization record to the school within 30 days will NOT be allowed to attend school until the immunization certificate is received. Neither a transcript nor school data management immunization record is the official immunization certificate. Parents are responsible for obtaining the immunization certificate and providing it to the school. Records from previous schools will be requested as a courtesy to parents; however, the deadline will still apply if records are not received within 30 days of the first day of school attendance.
In addition, all students entering NC public school for the FIRST time regardless of grade are required by law to submit a health assessment form completed by a licensed medical provider within 30 days of school attendance. Students who have NOT provided the completed health assessment within 30 days will NOT be allowed to attend school until the completed health assessment is received.
School Nurses
Rockingham County Schools’ School Nurse mission is to optimize the health, safety, and learning of all students.
Rockingham County Schools have a dedicated team of 9 school nurses, with 8 of them being nationally certified. These nurses regularly serve our elementary and middle schools and also assist the high schools.
School nurses play an important role in supporting student success by managing the care of all students, particularly those with chronic illnesses requiring special health care during the school day. They collaborate with school staff to manage existing needs, as well as, to identify and prevent health problems that could hinder academic performance. Key responsibilities of school nurses include:
Conducting health screenings to identify issues that may affect learning.
Preventing communicable diseases through education and monitoring immunization and student records.
Developing emergency action care plans for students.
Monitoring and overseeing medication administration.
Preparing for disasters.
Acting as a liaison between the school, home, students’ medical providers, and community resources.
If you have any health concerns regarding your child, please contact the school nurse at your child's school. They are well-equipped to assist with managing your child's health needs and ensuring their well-being during the school day. The school nurse can provide support, develop appropriate care plans, and address any questions or concerns you may have.
Name | Schools Served | Telephone | |
Amanda Perkins, Lead School Nurse | Reidsville Middle*, | | 336-342-4726 |
Sharon Ellis, RN, BSN, NCSN | Huntsville Elementary*, Western Rock Middle, Dalton McMichael High | | 336-427-3266 |
Rachel Young | Stoneville Elementary*, John Dillard Academy, RECHS | | 336-455-1999 |
Courtney Shelton, RN, BSN, NCSN | Leaksville-Spray Elementary*, Central Elementary | | 336-627-7068 |
Kasey Mitchell, RN, BSN, NCSN | Bethany Elementary*, Holmes Middle School, Morehead High School | | 336-951-2710 |
Corrine Ore, RN, BSN, NCSN | Rockingham County Middle*, Rockingham County High | | 336-616-0073 |
Andi Paul, RN, BSN, NCSN | Wentworth Elementary*, Monroeton Elementary | | 336-634-3250 |
Debbie Southard, RN, BSN, NCSN | Williamsburg Elementary*, Moss Street Elementary, Reidsville High School | | 336-349-4632 |
Vivian Moore, RN, BSN | Douglas Elementary* Lincoln Elementary, South End Elementary | | 336-623-6521 |
Amanda Vernon
Support Services Coordinator
Email Amanda Vernon
Concussion: Return to Learn and Return to Play
Concussion: Return to Learn and Return to Play
With the increasing prevalence of concussions, specific protocols for returning a student to learning after a concussion are essential. Because students may appear well physically after a concussion, parents, educators, school administrators, and peers may not fully appreciate the extent of symptoms and deficits experienced by a student with a concussion. The lack of outward physical symptoms of illness may make it difficult for school officials to recognize the need for accommodations for a student with a concussion. Knowledge about the potential effects of concussions on learning, and appropriate management of the return-to-learn process, is critical for helping students recover from a concussion.
Concussions are both a medical and educational concern. The North Carolina Department of Public Instruction has provided several resources to assist the general public in understanding the policy SHLT-001, titled "Return-to-Learn After Concussion." You can find that information on the NCDPI website.
Below are documents that RCS uses to work with families of students who have received a concussion. For more information regarding Concussion Management, contact your school or school nurse.