High School Resources

Our high schools provide students in grades 9-12 with the knowledge and experiences necessary to prepare them for the world of work, for pursuing higher education, or for whatever life choices they choose to pursue after their high school years.  Our high schools are committed to providing students with "real-world" experiences in a 21st century classroom environment.


High School Registration- Information and Guides

High School Registration Guide 2025-2026

Additional Resources

All options require Rockingham County Schools Enrollment or dual enrollment. The following are student course options.

Dear incoming and current high school students and families:

This high school course handbook contains information needed to register for next school year. Please read carefully. Give serious consideration to your course selections. Registration is a commitment to take the courses you have selected for the upcoming school year. Remember you are requesting a specific course, not a specific teacher, time, and/or place. Every effort will be made to schedule students for the courses selected. Qualified students may enroll in any course regardless of ethnic origin, sex, race or handicapping condition.

All high schools are fully accredited by AdvancEd, formerly known as the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, the regional accreditation agency, and by the State Department of Public Instruction. This accreditation means Rockingham County Schools have met and/or surpassed a strict set of national standards of educational excellence.

​Course selections should be taken very seriously. Please make sure you listen to the advice of school officials when selecting courses and alternates. Schedule changes WILL ONLY BE GRANTED if there is an academic misplacement. If you have any questions regarding this process please contact the school.

Additional courses available to Rockingham County High School students include:

Rockingham Community College Courses, APEX Learning, RCS Virtual Academy Courses, and North Carolina Virtual Public School. For details, contact your school counselor. 

Listed below is information on the Rockingham Early College High School application process. 

Rockingham Early College High School applications - Coming Soon!

Rockingham Early College 2025-26 Application (Deadline - Coming Soon)

Rockingham Early College 2025-26 Transfer Application Deadline (Deadline- Coming Soon)

Parents can contact Email Jason Hyler or Email Nina Walls for more information.