Public Information Office

The Public Information Officer would like to assist you as much as possible with your information and communication needs. The Public Information Officer is responsible for keeping the community informed and involved in our schools.
RCS Public Information Officer
Sean Gladieux
(336) 627-2602
Public Information Requests
Public Information Requests
Rockingham County Schools strives to be open and transparent about district information, projects, initiatives, data and challenges. The Public Information Officer tracks and responds to public records requests involving any district department. The public records of Rockingham County Schools are governed by North Carolina General Statute ยง132-6.2 and Rockingham County Board of Education Policy 5070/7350 - Public Records - Retention, Release and Disposition.
Under N.C. General Statute 132-6.2, records custodians are permitted to charge a fee when copies of records are requested or when the file size for the information requested is larger than authorized to send electronically. This charge is based on the actual cost of making the copy. There is not a fee to inspect public records in person. Please see the statute, linked above, for further information.
You can submit a public records request by emailing our Public Information Officer, Sean Gladieux.
The request must include:
Name of Requestor
Organization (If applicable)
City, State Zip code
Description of the Request