In anticipation of hazardous weather conditions from Tropical Storm Debby and out of an abundance of caution, all Rockingham County Schools will be closed Thursday, August 8th. All school activities, child care, and summer feeding & meal distributions are cancelled as well.
7 months ago, Rockingham County Schools
Yesterday an automobile accident occured in the Eden area that severely damaged Bright Speed phone services in the area. Yesterday an estimated time of restoration was given, but the issue has not yet been resolved. Calling in Eden area schools, Central Office, and calls to the Help Desk are still affected as a result of this. Outbound calling and interoffice calling is still functional, however inbound calling will continue to be an issue until Bright Speed can resolve the issue and repair the damaged line.
7 months ago, Holmes Middle School
RCS and our government, business and community partners welcomed DOE Secretary Jennifer Granholm who announced a grant award of $7.8 million for our RCS energy efficiency and improvement projects!
7 months ago, Rockingham County Schools
secretary granholm grant announcement
sec granholm grant announcement 2
sec granholm 3
sec granholm grant announcement 4
Did you say Kona Ice?
7 months ago, Holmes Middle School
open house august 21st. 3-7 pm
We promise to keep the Mustang Corral operating smoothly until Dr. Bailey's healthy return!
7 months ago, Holmes Middle School
Dr Baily willl be out on medical leave
Would you like to improve your parenting skills? Would you like to network with other guardians about how to best support our children? Maybe you'd like some help navigating the challenges that follow these tech savvy kids. We have great news! These classes are free, include childcare, meals, gas cards, giveaways, and more!
7 months ago, Holmes Middle School
Free parenting class 336-342-3331 for information
We have a great community! All these parties and school supply giveaways make an enormous impact for our students!
7 months ago, Holmes Middle School
Back to School Bash Sat Aug 24th 5-9 Freedom Park
Don't miss this! The Last Don's are giving away school supplies. Save the date!!
7 months ago, Holmes Middle School
The Last Don's school supply giveaway, Sat, Aug 3 9-1 MHS
One month to go! School supply list are located here on Facebook, our website, Classtag, in person at school, and our Eden Walmart. We are working hard to clean our school to prepare for all our students returning!
8 months ago, Holmes Middle School
Image of a horse ready for school
What an amazing week at Cheer Camp!
8 months ago, Holmes Middle School
Kids at cheer camp
Kids at cheer camp
Kids at cheer camp
Kids at cheer camp
Kids at cheer camp
Check out our new RCS website and school websites!
8 months ago, Rockingham County Schools
rcs new website post
Rockingham County Schools is now on Instagram!
8 months ago, Sean Gladieux
rcs now on instagram
Open House Good Afternoon! All Rockingham Secondary Schools will have open house on Wednesday, August 21st from 3:00pm- 7:00pm. We welcome our families to meet their teachers! School supply list are located here on Classtag, on Facebook, and in person at school and our Eden Walmart. We are working hard to clean our school to prepare for all our students returning! *Elementary schools will have open house on Thursday, August 22nd. Continue to enjoy your summer and have wonderful adventures! We can't wait to have our Mustangs back and ready to learn!
8 months ago, Holmes Middle School
Open house
Welcome our newest Mustang! Hi! My name is Cassie Higgs and I am excited to join Holmes Middle School as your School Counselor! Before coming to HMS, I previously served as a high school counselor for Rockingham County High School (5 years) and NC Cyber Academy (3 years). Not only am I happy to return to RCS, but I am excited to begin a new chapter in my career serving middle school students and families. I hope to bring my knowledge and experience as a school counselor, as well as my passion for students' academic, social, and emotional wellbeing to support the great work being done at HMS. I am married to my wonderful husband, Chris, and together we have two beautiful daughters, Sadie Beth (age 6) and Lynlee (age 3). My hobbies include reading (or listening) to a book and cooking/baking in my kitchen. I am looking forward to being part of the incredible school community at HMS! Go Mustangs!
8 months ago, Holmes Middle School
Higgs Family Picture
Congratulations to our Mrs. Staley on her new position as Assistant Principal at Wentworth Elementary!! She may be an eagle now, but she'll always be a Mustang to us.
8 months ago, Holmes Middle School
Photo of Mr Bulla, Dr Bailey, and Mrs Staley at the 8th grade dance
More summer fun activities!
8 months ago, Holmes Middle School
tennis and pickleball lessons available through the Eden ymca
tennis and pickleball lessons available through the Eden ymca
Football Conditioning Workout Schedule for our Rising 7th & 8th Graders Mondays and Wednesdays: 4:30-6:30 p.m. at HMS gym. Tuesdays and Thursdays: 3:00-5:00 p.m. at MHS weight room. Please report to the back of the school where the cafeteria is in order to enter the weight room which is near the gym.
8 months ago, Holmes Middle School
Football conditioning flyer
Come out on August 23 & 24 from 9 am until 6 pm to help RCS Stuff the Bus. Employees and students will be there to cheer you on at all three Rockingham County WalMart loctaions.
8 months ago, Holmes Middle School
Stuff the Bus Flyer, August 23 & 24 from 9 to 6 at all Rockingham County Walmarts
Stuff the Bus Flyer, August 23 & 24 from 9 to 6 at all Rockingham County Walmarts
If you've seen how much fun we've had this year, spread the word & help us complete our team!
8 months ago, Holmes Middle School
HMS has an 8th grade ELA opening.  Contact Dr. Bailey for information 336-623-9791
It's never too early to get those immunizations updated. All rising 7th graders need these shots!!
8 months ago, Mary Catherine Huss
Todos los estudiantes que vayan a entrar al grado 7 tienen que tener las siguientes vacunas:  TDaP and MCV or MenACWY
All students entering 7th grade must have the following immunizations.  TDaP and MCV or MenACWY