Library & Media Center
Welcome to the Holmes Middle School Media Center. We have over 10,000 titles in our collection, including books for research, class sets, a professional collection for teachers, magazines, and most importantly, fun books to read.
The library is open from 8:00 - 3:45 Monday through Friday.
The library is also open for students to enjoy after they have eaten lunch. Our media center is well stocked with games, puzzles, and comfortable seating for everyone.
Program Details
Media Calendars

Click here to view our online calendar.
If you would like to schedule your classes to come to the library, please email Mrs. Berteotti at Email Mrs. Berteotti.

Visit Sora App to access Overdrive, our electronic library.
Student Login:
Username: R-number (no @rock.
Password: MMDDYYYY (birthday)r?
Teacher login:
username is your net id
password is your birthday in year/month/day format Year/MM/DD
New Books

Tristan Strong Punches a Hole in the Sky - Kwame Mbalia
Other Words for Home - Jasmine Warga
Look Both Ways: A Tell Told in Ten Blocks - Jason Reynolds
Black Brother, black brother - Jewel Parker Rhodes