RCS would like to thank our businesses, communities, families, non-profit organizations, students and staff who partnered, volunteered and/or donated items to the 2024 Stuff the Bus! RCS is grateful for your donations and your generosity! HMS cheerleaders at Eden Walmart.

Good evening Mustang families! This is Mr. Bulla, Assistant Principal, with your weekly announcements. Tomorrow is the first day of school and we are so excited to welcome all of our students back for a wonderful, educational and exciting new school year. We cannot wait to see you. Our great news for tomorrow is that all of our buses will be running1 They all have drivers and we are excited and thankful for tha. If you ride bus 13 which used to be 124, you will be picked up after bus 343 runs its route. So be looking for bus 343. It will not arrive until after 8:15. Any students who are late tomorrow because of any bus issues will of course be given an excused tardy and it will not count. Please do not worry about that! Any student interested in joining the 24/25 yearbook staff needs to bring themselves and a parent or guardian to the interest meeting that will be held on Thursday, September 5 at 6 PM. If you have any questions about yearbook staff, please reach out to Mrs. Meadows or Mr. Moore. Boys soccer, girls tennis, and softball tryouts begin Tuesday, August 30. Tryouts will start after school and end at 5:30. If you try to try out for girls tennis please plan on picking them up at the tennis court across from Morehead. There will be a football and cheerleading parent meeting on Tuesday, September 3 at 5:30 in the cafeteria. The athletes and their parents or guardians must attend this meeting. Remember that lunch and breakfast are free this year. The school building will not open until 7:45. The official school day begins at 8:25 and ends at 3:25. Again, we are so excited to see all of our wonderful students tomorrow for the start of the wonderful and educational new school year and just remember that there's no place like Holmes. We will see you bright and early tomorrow! Have a great evening!

L E T S G O!

It's STUFF THE BUS Day!!!! Join us at the Eden Walmart!

Today is the last day for the RCS 2024 STUFF the BUS at our Walmart Supercenters in Eden, Mayodan and Reidsville on August 23 & 24 from 9am-6pm!

Tennis tryouts start August 27th!

Welcome back students! RCS has been preparing for your return and cannot wait to see you Monday!!

Join RCS for our 2024 STUFF the BUS at our Walmart Supercenters in Eden, Mayodan and Reidsville tomorrow and Saturday from 9am-6pm!

If you have heard about the new mobile app for Rockingham County! It's everything Rockingham County Schools, on your cell phone ! Download for Android https://aptg.co/9zZcST Download for iPhone https://aptg.co/jdBYx3

We look forward to our RCS Stuff the Bus!

Opening day for teachers! We had a great breakfast and snacks provided by our PTSO. We're busy getting all our plans in place for Monday. Don't forget to- Open House is Wednesday from 3pm - 7pm.

Sports Information for the week of August 19

Free sports physicals will be offered at Holmes Middle School on Thursday, Aug. 22 from 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. A PARENT OR GUARDIAN MUST BE PRESENT AT THE TIME OF PHYSICAL.

Good evening Mustang family,
Open House will be Wednesday, August 21st from 3:00 - 7:00 PM. Make plans to pick up your schedule, ensure bus transportation, and meet your teachers! Kona Ice will be on campus for you to purchase tasty treats!
This is a reminder that breakfast and lunch will be free this year for all students.
No class schedules will be given out until Open House so be sure to attend.
All supply lists can be found at the Eden Wal-Mart, picked up at school, or found on ClassTag.
Come help us "Stuff the Bus" on Saturday, August 24th from 9-11:30 am. We will be at the Eden Wal-Mart.
Football practice begins Monday, Aug. 19 from 4-6 p.m. Please report to Holmes's track.
Free sports physicals will be available at Holmes on Thursday, Aug. 22 from 8:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m. A parent/guardian must be present to get a physical.
At the upcoming Open House, families can opt to rent Chromebooks for home use during the school year. This optional rental program carries a $30 fee, payable by cash or check, which gives students access to a device for use at home as needed. To participate, please visit Mrs. Berteotti in the media center during the Open House.
Students interested in joining the 24-25 yearbook staff need to bring themselves and a parent or guardian to an interest meeting that will be held on Thursday, September 5th at 6 p.m. Any questions, reach out to Mrs. Meadows or Mr. Moore.
We look forward to seeing you at Open House and as always, There's No Place Like Holmes!

Don't stress over lunch money!

Join RCS for our 2024 STUFF the BUS at our Walmart Supercenters in Eden, Mayodan and Reidsville on August 23 & 24 from 9am-6pm!

Info for Tennis!

Good Evening Mustang Families,
This is Mr. Bulla, Assistant Principal with your weekly announcements!
- Open House will be Wednesday, August 21st from 3:00 - 7:00 PM. Make plans to pick up your schedule, ensure bus transportation, and meet your teachers! Kona Ice will be on campus for you to purchase tasty treats!
- No class schedules will be given out until Open House so be sure to attend.
- All supply lists can be found at the Eden Wal-Mart, picked up at school, or found on ClassTag.
- Come help us "Stuff the Bus" on Saturday, August 24th from 9-11:30 am. We will be at the Eden Wal-Mart.
- Rising 7th and 8th graders who want to play football this year: Football practice starts Monday, August 19th from 5:00 - 7:00 PM
- Sports physicals will be offered at Holmes Middle School on Thursday, August 22 from 8:30 AM to 12:00 PM
- We look forward to seeing you at Open House and as always, There's No Place Like Holmes!

Due to the inclement weather from Tropical Storm Debby, Rockingham County Schools will be closed today, August 9th. Day care will be open and operate on schedule. All athletics and school activities can resume at 12:00pm today.

RCS will operate on our normal schedule with no closings, delays or cancellations for August 9th. All school activities and athletics will operate on their normal schedule as well.