
JM Morehead High School is a Title I School
With Title I we require our Teachers, Students, and Parents to sign a Compact outlining expectations. The Compact expectations are listed here:
As a Teacher of a successful Morehead student, I understand my responsibilities are to:
● respect each student and their family.
● provide instruction in a supportive and effective learning environment.
● support the Social and Emotional learning and needs of each child.
● provide opportunities for parents to participate in lessons and observe classroom activities.
● communicate on a consistent basis.
● report feedback and progress in a timely manner.
● be available to parents by letter, phone (336-627-7731), email, and CANVAS.
● personalize and differentiate learning to meet student needs.
As a Morehead student, I understand my responsibilities are to:
● strive for success and learn to the best of my ability.
● demonstrate a growth mindset.
● arrive at school on time and be ready to learn.
● participate in class.
● complete all my assignments to the best of my ability.
● get involved
As a parent/guardian of a Morehead student, I understand my responsibilities are to:
● encourage a positive attitude for learning.
● make sure he/she attends school regularly and on time.
● communicate with the teacher and school staff when need be
● review student work and feedback.
● ask my student about their day
● ensure my student completes necessary work and paperwork
Title I Parent Involvement MHS Title I Parent Engagement and Information Video
Policy Code: 1320/3560
Rockingham County Schools
The Board of Education believes that the education of children is an ongoing cooperative partnership between the home and the school. Parents are their children's first teachers; therefore, the continued involvement of parents in the educational process is most important in fostering and improving educational achievement. The involvement of parents in their children's education has been demonstrated to increase student success and to result in better schools. The school district will strive to support parents and provide parents with opportunities to become involved in the programs offered by the Title I schools. Parents are expected to cooperate with the school systems by becoming knowledgeable of program goals and activities and by working to reinforce their children's learning at home. For the purposes of this policy and the Title I program, the term "parental involvement" means the participation of parents in regular, two-way, and meaningful communication involving student academic learning and other school activities, including ensuring the following:
1. That parents play an integral role in assisting their child's learning;
2. That parents are encouraged to be actively involved in their child's education at school;
3. That parents are full partners in their child's education and are included, as appropriate, in the decision making and on advisory committees to assist in the education of their child;
4. That the school district engages in activities to support parental involvement in the Title I programs.
A. Purpose and Operation of Title I Program
The purpose of the Title I program is to provide instructional activities and supportive services over and above those provided by the regular school program for eligible economically disadvantaged students. Where applicable, students will be selected to receive Title I services based on objective criteria that are consistent with federal and state requirements, such as standardized test scores, teacher judgment, results of pre-school screening and home-school surveys. Qualified Title I schools will operate as school wide programs or targeted assisted programs based upon federal eligibility criteria. School wide programs will utilize a comprehensive school improvement process enabling schools to serve all students in the school. Targeted assisted programs will provide services to eligible students in the school having the greatest need for assistance.
B. Annual Meeting and Evaluation
Each year, Title I parents will be invited to an annual meeting at which time parental rights will be explained, programs and activities provided with Title I funds will be discussed and input will be solicited. In addition, all parents will have an opportunity to evaluate the effectiveness of the Title I programs and the parental involvement policies and plans. The Rockingham County Schools federal programs staff will also evaluate the effectiveness of the Title I programs and parental involvement policies. Data collected from these findings will be used to revise Title I programs and parent involvement plans.
C. Parental Involvement Goals and Efforts
The board believes that the involvement of Title I parents in the design and implementation of the Title I program will increase the effectiveness of the program and contribute significantly to the success of the children. The Title I staff and all school district personnel will strive to involve parents in activities throughout the school year. Rockingham County Schools in coordination with parents of participating children will develop programs, activities and procedures, which have the following goals:
1. To inform parents of the reasons for their children's participation and the specific instructional objectives and methods of the program.
2. To consult with parents, on an ongoing basis, concerning the manner in which the school and parents can better work together to achieve the program's objectives.
3. To train parents and teachers to build a partnership between home and school.
4. To provide a comprehensive range of opportunities for parents to become informed about how the program will be designed, operated, and evaluated.
5. To ensure opportunities for the participation of parents who lack literacy skills or whose native language is not English.
6. To provide parents with information concerning North Carolina's Standard Course of Study, student academic achievement, and state and local academic assessments.
7. To provide parents upon request information about the professional qualifications of their child's classroom and any teacher or paraprofessional who teaches their child.
8. The superintendent will ensure that the district level parent involvement policy is developed with, agreed upon with and distributed to parents of participating students. In addition to the district level parent involvement policy, each school participating in the Title I program will jointly develop and distribute to parents a school level written parental involvement policy that describes the means for carrying out school-level policy, sharing responsibility for student academic achievement, building the capacity of school staff and parents for involvement, and increasing accessibility for participation of all Title I parents including those with limited English proficiency, parents with disabilities, and parents of migratory children. School level plans will involve parents in the planning and improvement of Title I activities and will provide for the distribution to parents of information on expected student proficiency levels and the school's academic performance.
In addition, the school district and Title I schools will do the following:
1. Involve parents in the joint development of the Title I Program and the process of school review and improvement by including parents on the school advisory committee and committees that review the Title I program, by using the School Improvement team members, and by providing the parents at each school with an opportunity to review the plan;
2. Provide coordination, technical assistance and other support from various central office departments necessary to assist participating schools in planning and implementing effective parent involvement activities that are designed to improve student academic achievement and school performance, including, but not limited to, Parent Curriculum and
Testing Nights, Family Fun Nights and lesson observations;
3. Build the schools' and parents' capacity for strong parental involvement by collecting and disseminating information on effective parent involvement techniques;
4. Provide assistance to parents of participating Title I children in understanding the state's testing standards, the assessments used, Title I requirements and all national, state and local standards and expectations through such efforts as community based meetings, sending information home, newsletters, workshops and newspaper articles;
5. With the assistance of parents, ensure that teachers, pupil services personnel, principals and other staff are educated in the value of parents as partners in the educational process and understand how to work with, communicate with and reach out to parents as equal partners in education;
6. Distribute to parents information on expected student proficiency levels for their child and the school's academic performance, and provide materials and training to help parents monitor their child's progress and work with educators to improve achievement through such methods as technology or literacy training;
7. Coordinate and integrate parental involvement strategies with parent involvement activities in other programs, such as preschool, Head Start, Parents as Teachers and similar programs;
8. With the involvement of parents, conduct an annual evaluation of the content and effectiveness of the school district parent involvement policies and program to determine current and future needs, and ensure that such policies are developed/modified with, agreed upon with and distributed each Fall to parents of participating students;
9. Strive to eliminate barriers of parental participation by assisting parents who are disabled, economically-disadvantaged, have limited English proficiency, are migratory or have other backgrounds or characteristics that may affect participation, including making a conscientious effort, to the extent practicable, to provide all written communication, including parental involvement policies, in a language that is spoken or read at home;
10. Design a parent, student, school staff compact that sets out respective responsibilities in striving to raise student achievement and explains how an effective home/school partnership will be developed and maintained;
11. Coordinate and integrate all parent involvement strategies in Rockingham County Schools and conduct other activities in the community that encourage and support parents to more fully participate in the education of their child;
12. Strengthen the partnership with agencies, businesses and programs that operate in the community and provide opportunities for schools to conduct programs in the community;
13. Ensure that parents are involved in the school's Title I activities;
14. Provide parents with regular progress reports and hold at least one parent-teacher conference for each child to discuss progress, placement, methods of instruction and the parent/teacher/student/principal compact; and
15. Provide such other reasonable support for Title I parental involvement activities as requested by parents.
D. Activities and Use of Funds
Parent programs and activities will include the following:
1. Parent/student/teacher/principal compact;
2. Conferences, resource centers and training programs;
3. Reporting on children's progress through interim reports and report cards on a regular basis;
4. Coordinating parent activities and making contacts in the home through phone calls and home visits;
5. Use of classroom volunteers, tutors and assistants;
6. Reinforcement of classroom activities and student motivation through take-home assignments and activities;
7. Support for parents and students through the Homework Assistance Line and RCS Parent Resource Center; and
8. Information on programs and the annual evaluation of these programs.
9. Reasonable and necessary expenditures associated with parent training sessions and hiring, training and utilization of parental involvement/curriculum support personnel may be supported by each program's funds.
10. The superintendent will develop administrative procedures to implement the requirements of this policy.
Adopted: January 4, 1996 Revised: September 15, 2003, December 12, 2005
Title I Parent Involvement Policy
Parental involvement at Morehead HS is strongly encouraged. Parents play a vital role in their child’s education and their involvement can further the educational opportunities and achievement of their children. We strive to build a strong, positive relationship between home, school, and community in the following ways:
● A copy of the Parent Involvement Policy will be included in the Title I Handbook and will be provided to every parent at the beginning of the school year.
● The School Improvement Plan will be made available for parents to review and to make comments/suggestions. Parent representatives will serve on the School Improvement Team.
● A yearly schedule of Parent Involvement Opportunities/ Family Engagement Opportunities will be provided to parents at the beginning of the year.
● Parent/Student/Teacher Contact Information Sheets are signed at the first parent conference at the beginning of the year or sent home if a conference has not been had by the first quarter, indicating responsibility for learning from all parties.
● Weekly automated voice messages inform parents of curricular matters, classroom activities, programs and parent involvement opportunities.
● A school marquee placed in front of the school informs parents of upcoming events and activities.
● Parents and students may access the RCS website and the Morehead High School web-page to obtain information about classroom and school activities.
● Classroom observations are scheduled throughout the year enabling families to visit their child’s classroom and observe a lesson being taught.
● Information about curriculum, assessments, programs and activities will be provided. The information will be provided in a language and format understandable to non-English speaking families.
● Interpreters will be provided as needed for parent conferences or meetings.
● Parent Conferences will be scheduled to discuss student progress. Conferences are also held, if requested, to help parents interpret EOC test performance.
The RCS Title I Parent Involvement Policy 1320/3560 can be viewed on the RCS website.
Title I Schools – Working Together to Make a Difference
Purpose of Title I
Title I, Part A (Title I) of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, provides financial assistance to school districts and schools with high numbers or high percentages of children from low-income families to help ensure that all children meet challenging state academic standards. There are many components of Title I and one that we believe makes a significant difference is parental involvement. By parent, we are referring to a natural parent, a legal guardian or other person responsible for the child’s welfare.
Making a Difference
Parental involvement has always been a centerpiece of Title I. Parental involvement is defined as the participation of parents in regular, two–way, and meaningful communication involving student academic learning and other school activities, ensuring:
● that parents play an integral role in assisting their child’s learning;
● that parents are encouraged to be actively involved in their child’s education at school;
● that parents are full partners in their child’s education and are included, as appropriate, in decision making and on advisory committees to assist in the education of their child Families have a significant influence on their child’s achievement in school and in life. When we take a team approach by including schools, families, and community groups to support learning, children tend to do better in school, stay in school longer, and like school more. Studies have
found that students with involved parents, no matter what their income or background, are more likely to:
● earn high grades and test scores, and enroll in higher–level programs;
● pass their classes, earn credits, and be promoted;
● attend school regularly; and
● graduate and go on to postsecondary education.
Through Title I programming, we offer resources for parents in supporting student learning at both the district and school level. Please continue to work with your child’s school to support his/her needs. In addition, we offer services through our Parent Resource Centers. Contact information for these centers is located below. We hope you will take advantage of the opportunity to be the key to your child’s success. More information about our Parent Resource Centers is also available by visiting https://www.rock.k12.nc.us/page/parent-resource-centers.
Rockingham County Schools
511 Harrington Hwy Eden, North Carolina 27288 Phone: 336-627-2600
To: All Parents of Students Enrolled in Title I Schools
From: Human Resources Department
Subject: Notification to Parents of Teacher Qualifications
The purpose of this notice is to inform parents of children attending a Title I school of their right to know the professional qualifications of the classroom teachers who instruct their child. As a recipient of these funds, Rockingham County Schools will provide you with this information in a timely manner if you request it. Specifically, you have the right to request the following information about each of your child’s classroom teachers:
• Whether the teacher meets the state qualifications and licensing criteria for the grades and core academic subjects he or she teaches.
• Whether the teacher is teaching under emergency or provisional status because of special circumstances.
• The teacher’s college major, whether the teacher has any advanced degrees, and the field of discipline of the certification or degree.
• Whether teacher assistants provide services to your child and, if so, their qualifications.
In addition, the law requires that all schools that receive Title I funds must provide notification to every parent in the school whose child is being taught for four or more weeks by a teacher who is not “Highly Qualified,” regardless of whether or not the teacher is being paid with Title I funds.
Rockingham County Schools is committed to providing instruction for all students and does so by employing the most qualified individuals to teach and support each student in the classroom. If you would like to receive any of the information listed above for your child’s teacher, please complete the request form and send in as directed.