Good evening, Leaksville-Spray families. This is Ms. Scales with your weekly message. There is a scheduled Teacher Workday on Monday, October 28. There will be no school for students on Monday the 28th. We will be hosting our Title I "Give a Child a Book and Trunk or Treat Night" on Tuesday, October 29 starting at 5:30PM-7:00PM. We can’t wait to see you on Tuesday evening for Trunk or Treat. Lastly, we are still missing payments for fundraiser candy. If you have not turned in your fundraiser money please turn it in to the front office on Tuesday. We can’t wait to see everyone back in the building on Tuesday! We are looking forward to another amazing week! As always, thank you for all you do and have a great evening!
5 months ago, Leaksville-Spray Elementary
Oct 28 - Nov. 1
RCS is hosting a RockATOP Apprenticeship Community Night Tuesday, October 29, 2024 beginning at 6pm at the Rockingham County Economic Development Small Business & Tourism Building. This event is open to all Rockingham County students regardless of school.
5 months ago, Rockingham County Schools
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RCS families mark your calendars -- All schools on the traditional school calendar have two important dates coming up - an early release day Friday, October 25th and a teacher workday with no school for students on Monday, October 28th.
5 months ago, Rockingham County Schools
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Don't forget! This Friday October 25th is an early release day. Students will be dismissed at 12:45 pm.
5 months ago, Leaksville-Spray Elementary
Early release
RCS wants to make sure children are in an appropriate car seat at drop off and pick up. Families can check the car seat instruction manual or car seat labels for the manufacturer’s recommended age, weight and height use requirements. Learn more:
5 months ago, Rockingham County Schools
image of child with a height measuring tool
Good evening, Leaksville-Spray families. This is Ms. Scales with your weekly message. We hope all of our students will make plans to participate in our Red Ribbon and Bully Prevention Week. Rally in Red- wear red to kick off red ribbon week on Monday. Team up against drugs- wear your favorite team gear on Tuesday. Sock it to drugs- wear your favorite pair of crazy socks on Wednesday. Wear tie dye on Thursday to say peace out to drugs. On Friday, we are celebrating our school being drug and bully free, wear your LSE gear. There is a scheduled Early Release Day on this Friday, October 25th. Students will be dismissed at 12:45pm. There is a scheduled Teacher Workday on Monday, October 28. There will be no school for students on Monday the 28th. We will be hosting our Title I Give a Child a Book and Trunk or Treat Night on Tuesday, October 29 starting at 5:30PM-7:00PM. Lastly, We are still missing payments for fundraiser candy. If you have not turned in your fundraiser money please turn it in to the front office on Monday.
5 months ago, Leaksville-Spray Elementary
Oct. 21 to 25
Rachel’s Challenge brings people together and helps break down the walls that lead to harassment, isolation, teen suicide and gun violence. Parents please join us on Tuesday, October 22nd at Rockingham County High School at 6:00 PM to hear this story!
5 months ago, Rockingham County Schools
photo of girls named rachel for rachels challenge to be held October 7, 2024 at RCHS at 6 pm
We will be celebrating Red Ribbon Week next week as we partner together to be drug free. Please encourage your child to join us for our themed days. The theme for the week is "Life is a movie. Film drug free!" Monday, 10/21 - Rally in Red! Wear as much red to kick off Red Ribbon Week. Tuesday 10/22- Team Up Against Drugs! Wear your favorite sport's team shirt, jersey, or colors. Wednesday 10/23- Sock It to Drugs! Wear your favorite pair of crazy socks. Thursday 10/24- Peace Out to Drugs! Wear tie dye or peace signs. Friday 10/25 (early release)- Our School is Proud to be Drug Free! Wear your Dolphin gear and as much green to end Red Ribbon Week.
5 months ago, Leaksville-Spray Elementary
Red Ribbon Week
From LSE PTO: We're excited for our new give-back night! This event is open to LSE families only. For $10 per player, you can play from 5pm to 8pm. An adult must be present for students to stay and play. Thanks Uptown Arcade Eden for supporting our LSE Dolphins!
5 months ago, Leaksville-Spray Elementary
Arcade night
Join us on Tuesday, October 29th for our Title I "Give a Child a Book and Trunk or Treat" event! The event will be from 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm at Leaksville-Spray Elementary in the staff parking lot.
5 months ago, Leaksville-Spray Elementary
Trunk or treat flyer
From Mrs. Learned: It's time for our LSE Pumpkin Decorating Contest! Decorated pumpkins can be turned in from October 22nd to October 25th. (Pictures attached are from previous years.) Due to popular demand, we are expanding our contest to include the original 3D pumpkin decorating contest (see instructions below) & a second 1D/flat pumpkin drawing/decorating (see instructions below). All pumpkins are due October 25 and voting will be held on October 25. Students may only participate in one contest (3D pumpkins or 1D/Flat drawings). 3D Spherical Pumpkin Decorating Contest (real pumpkins or fake foam/wood, etc pumpkins are allowed): This project will be completed at home. Pumpkins are not provided. Instructions: 1. Decorate a pumpkin with your favorite book character (NO carving is allowed) 2. Label your pumpkin (on the bottom where it will NOT be seen) with the student's name, grade level, & character's name. 3. Bring your decorated pumpkin to school by October 25. 4. Pumpkins will be displayed in the Media Center and judged on October 25. There will be a winner from PK/K, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th. Winners will win a free book. 5. All pumpkins need to be picked up at Trunk or Treat on the 29th. Those not picked up will be disposed of on the 30th (rotting pumpkins will be disposed of immediately). 6. Please send any questions to Mrs. Learned in the Media Center: 1D Flat Pumpkin Decorating Contest This project will be completed at home. No materials will be provided. 1. Color & decorate a flat pumpkin (paper, construction paper, wood, etc) with your favorite book character. 2. Label your pumpkin (on the back where it will NOT be seen) with the student's name, grade level, & book character's name. 3. Bring your decorated pumpkin to school by October 25. 4. Pumpkins will be displayed in the Media Center and judged on October 25. There will be a winner from PK/K, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th (separate from the 3D/Spherical pumpkins). Winners will win a free book. 5. All pumpkins need to be picked up at Trunk or Treat on the 29th. Those not picked up will be disposed of on the 30th. 6. Please send any questions to Mrs. Learned in the Media Center:
5 months ago, Leaksville-Spray Elementary
Pumpkins 3
Pumpkins 2
Pumpkins 1
Good evening, Leaksville-Spray families. This is Ms. Scales with your weekly message. Unity Day is Wednesday, October 16. Please join us in wearing orange on Wednesday to show unity against bullying. This week the Eden Fire Department will be at LSE to teach fire safety. Students in grades 2nd-4th will have the opportunity to participate in the smoke house simulation. Students must have a signed permission form to participate in the simulation. We will be celebrating Red Ribbon Week during the week October 21. Be sure to check ClassDojo this week to check our themed days and join the fun on October 21. We will be hosting our Title I Give a Child a Book and Trunk or Treat Night on Tuesday, October 29 starting at 5:30PM-7:00PM. We are still missing payments for fundraiser candy. If you have not turned in your fundraiser money please turn it in to the front office on Monday. Lastly, please remember our school doors will open for all students at 7:20am. Our tardy bell rings at 7:45am each morning. Students arriving late to school must be signed in by a parent at our front desk. We are looking forward to another amazing week! As always, thank you for all you do and have a great evening!
5 months ago, Leaksville-Spray Elementary
Week of Oct 14-18
We want to recognize our students who were chosen as our “Bus Riders of the Month” for the month of September! This award honors a student who exemplifies exceptional behavior and responsibility while riding the school bus. This award recognizes a student who contributes to a safe, respectful, and friendly environment for their fellow riders and bus driver. Thank you for “Swimming to Success on your bus ride!
5 months ago, Leaksville-Spray Elementary
Bus Riders of the Month
The RCS Board of Education will hold their next board meeting at the Rockingham County Schools Central Office located at 511 Harrington Highway, Eden, NC on October 14, 2024 at 6pm. The BOE Policy Committee Meeting will take place at 4:30 PM in the upstairs boardroom.
5 months ago, Rockingham County Schools
rcs logo
Good evening, Leaksville-Spray families. This is Ms. Scales with your weekly message. October is World Bullying Prevention month. Monday, October 7 is World Day of Bullying Prevention. Please join us in wearing blue on Monday for bullying prevention. Our PTO is asking for candy donations for the Give a Child a Book/Trunk or Treat event scheduled for Tuesday, October 29 from 5:30-7:00 pm. Please bring any candy donations to the front office. We look forward to seeing all of our families at this exciting event. Lastly, I would like to thank everyone who participated in our candy bar fundraiser. Thank you to everyone who has turned in candy money. We still have not received payments for several boxes of chocolate. Please know that all money helps support our students and their learning. If you have not turned in your candy money, please do so this week. We are looking forward to another amazing week! As always, thank you for all you do and have a great evening!
5 months ago, Leaksville-Spray Elementary
October 7th-11th
Don't forget to join us tomorrow evening on 10/3/24 from 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm for our Title I Literacy Night! We have so many things for you to do! We will have reading strategies from grade level teachers, Scholastic Book Fair, Rockingham County Tennis Association, volunteer training, and accepting donations for Hurricane Helene relief!
5 months ago, Leaksville-Spray Elementary
Title I Literacy Night
October is here! Take a look at the important dates coming up this month.
6 months ago, Leaksville-Spray Elementary
October 2024
Reposting harmful or violent content only spreads fear. Do your part—Report it, don’t repost! #ReportNotRepost
6 months ago, Rockingham County Schools
report, don't repost image
Good evening, Leaksville-Spray families. This is Ms. Scales with your weekly message. Parents, our Fall Picture Day is scheduled for Friday, October 4. Please remember that a proof will be sent home a few weeks after picture day with instructions on how you can order your child’s pictures. Our first Title 1 Curriculum Parent Night will be this Thursday, October 3 from 5:30pm-7:00pm. Please join us on Thursday as you will receive information regarding the expectations of teaching and learning here at Leaksville-Spray Elementary. Our Book Fair will also be open for our families to shop. I would like to thank everyone who participated in our candy bar fundraiser. Thank you to everyone who has turned in candy money. We still have not received payments for several boxes of chocolate. Please know that all money helps support our students and their learning. If you have not turned in your candy money, please do so this week. Students will start receiving prizes this week. Students who sold 3 or more boxes of chocolate will be attending the Foam Party this Thursday, October 3. Students who sold 4 or more boxes of chocolate will attend the Foam Party and also participate in the limo ride to lunch on November 1. More information about the foam party and limo ride will be sent home this week. Please remember that Rockingham County Schools will continue to require approved background checks for any chaperone or volunteer within our school and field trips. All background checks are handled online, including payment, no money is sent to school. More information about background checks can be found on our district’s website. This information is important as most of our grade levels have field trips scheduled during the fall semester. Also, chaperones and volunteers will need to attend volunteer training for the year. Volunteer training will be offered during our Title I Curriculum Night on Thursday. Here is the link to complete a background check: We hope everyone had a wonderful long weekend and we can not wait to see everyone back in the building on Monday morning. We are looking forward to another amazing week! As always, thank you for all you do and have a great evening!
6 months ago, Leaksville-Spray Elementary
Sept. 30-Oct. 4
Rockingham County Schools will be CLOSED for students and an optional teacher workday tomorrow, September 27th, due to Hurricane Helene.
6 months ago, Sean Gladieux
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