The RCS 2024 District Science Fair award ceremony was held on December 5th at Osborne Baptist Church in Eden, NC recognizing students’ achievements in science comprehension and presentation through science project displays and interviews . A total of 81 projects were entered in the science fair to compete for the chance to advance to the Region 5 Science Fair to be held at Parkland High School on February 15, 2025. First and second place award recipients advance to the Regional Competition. Congrats to all competitors and all the best to those advancing to Regionals!!

Good evening, Leaksville-Spray families. This is Ms. Scales with your weekly message.
Please remember that our 3rd graders will be taking the Cognitive Abilities Test this week. Testing is scheduled to begin promptly at 8:30 am on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday mornings. Please be sure your child gets a good night’s sleep and arrives at school on time.
PTO will host arcade night at Uptown Arcade on Tuesday, December 10 starting at 5:00pm.
Parents, we would like to invite you to our Title 1 Parent Night this Thursday, December 12. The night will kickoff with a Fluency Session for parents at 5:00pm. This session will include information about reading fluency and how you can help your child at home. Our 3rd, 4th and 5th grade Holiday Performance will begin at 5:30pm. We will provide a light snack and there will be a special treat from PTO. We invite everyone to join us for this event!
We will continue our countdown to winter break this week by wearing winter head gear on Monday, wearing green on Tuesday for Grinch day, bundling up in your favorite scarf on Wednesday, showing off your holiday bling on Thursday, and wearing flannel on Friday.
We are looking forward to another amazing week! As always, thank you for all you do and have a great evening!

LSE Presents...
A Fun Family Holiday Night featuring "Holiday Music Concert". This event is presented by all 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students, but all grade levels are welcome to attend!
When: Thursday, December 12th, 2024 at 5:30 pm to 6:15 pm
LSE invites you to get into the holiday spirit with some family fun. Students and parents may participate in the fun events. We hope you and your family can be with us for these fun family activities. Our 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders have been working very hard and are excited to be performing during this special time of year. We hope that you will attend and invite your family and friends!

RCS would like to invite our community to attend the RCS District Science Fair on Thursday, December 5th at Osborne Baptist Church in Eden. Elementary students will present projects from 8:30 - 11:00am with awards presented at 11am and secondary students will present projects from 11:30am - 2pm with awards presented at 2pm!

Good evening, Leaksville-Spray families. This is Ms. Scales with your weekly message.
Volunteer training will be offered on Monday, December 2nd beginning at 3:15pm until 5:30pm. Please make sure you plan to attend because this will be the last volunteer training offered before the upcoming field trips.
Attention 5th grade parents, 5th grade students will take the Science Check In on Tuesday, December 3. Please be sure your child gets a good night’s sleep and arrives at school on time.
On Thursday, December 5, we will kick off our 12 Days to Winter Break Countdown by wearing your favorite holiday socks. The themes each day can be found on Class Dojo. Please be sure to join in fun as we countdown the days to winter break.
We hope everyone had a wonderful break. We can’t wait to see everyone back in the building on Monday morning ready to learn! As always, thank you for all you do and have a great evening!

Happy Thanksgiving! May your heart be filled with gratitude and your home be filled with love and joy on this special day.

This Thanksgiving, let's give thanks for the teachers who inspire us, the staff who support us, the parents & guardians who guide us and the students who light up our schools. Together, we make a difference every day. 🦃 Grateful for our RCS families & team! Happy Thanksgiving!!

December is coming! Check out the important dates for the month of December. We will also be doing a "12 Days Until Winter Break" countdown!

We want to recognize our students who were chosen as our “Bus Riders of the Month” for the month of October! This award honors a student who exemplifies exceptional behavior and responsibility while riding the school bus. This award recognizes a student who contributes to a safe, respectful, and friendly environment for their fellow riders and bus driver. Thank you for “Swimming to Success” on your bus ride! 🐬

Good evening, Leaksville-Spray families. This is Ms. Scales with your weekly message.
Parents, if you have signed up to attend our Thanksgiving lunch on Tuesday you must bring your driver’s license and be on your child’s information sheet to attend.
PTO will be hosting a Skate Night at the Roll-a-Bout on Tuesday, November 25 from 5:30PM-7:30PM. The cost is $8.00 which includes skate rental. Please remember that students must be accompanied by an adult to attend.
Thanksgiving Break will begin on Wednesday, November 27. There will be no school for students Wednesday-Friday. Students will return to school on Monday, December 2.
**Due to the increasing numbers on our Boys and Girls Club bus, starting on Monday, November 25th, bus #33 will be split into two loads. This is to ensure student safety while transporting form one location to another. One load will leave LSE at dismissal and take a group of these students to the Boys and Girls Club. Then this bus will return back to LSE to pick up the second load of students to go to the Boys and Girls Club. Siblings will be grouped together on the same load. This only will affect the departure time from LSE for some of these students. If you have questions, please reach out to Mrs. Wall.**
We are looking forward to another amazing week! As always, thank you for all you do and have a great evening!

Good evening, Leaksville-Spray families. This is Ms. Scales with your weekly message.
Please remember that our 3rd, 4th and 5th graders will be taking their Check Ins this week on Monday and Tuesday. Testing is scheduled to begin promptly at 8:30AM. Please be sure your child gets a good night’s sleep and arrives at school on time.
Our next PTO meeting will be Tuesday at 5:30pm in the cafeteria.
Interim Reports will go home with students on Thursday, November 21.
The parent/teacher conference window is open and teachers have been sharing information to set up conferences. Please make sure you get your conference scheduled to discuss your child’s progress, if you have not already.
We will have Team Spirit Day on Friday, November 22. Wear your favorite sports team or LSE gear.
We are looking forward to another amazing week! As always, thank you for all you do and have a great evening!

On November 20, 2024 the RCS Board of Education Policy Committee Meeting will be held from 8:30 - 9:30 am and the RCS Board of Education Meeting will be held at 10:00am at the RCS Administrative Offices , 511 Harrington Highway, Eden, NC .

RCS is actively recruiting bus drivers! Bus drivers can work full time or as little as 3 hours a day. More information can be found at the link: https://rockinghamnc.ted.peopleadmin.com/hire/index.aspx

Good evening, Leaksville-Spray families. This is Ms. Scales with your weekly message.
Parents, please remember that tomorrow, Monday, November 11 is a holiday and there will be no school for students.
Makeup day for Fall Pictures is scheduled for Wednesday, November 13.
In Rockingham County Schools we recognize World Kindness Day, Wednesday, November 13, 2024, as a day to build a culture of kindness, understanding, and acceptance for all students and staff. Perform a Random Act of Kindness Wednesday!
The parent/teacher conference window is open and teachers have been sharing information to set up conferences. Please make sure you get your conference scheduled to discuss your child’s progress, if you have not already.
We are looking forward to another amazing week! As always, thank you for all you do and have a great evening!

Reminder: Schools are closed on November 11th in observance of Veteran's Day. All RCS buildings will be closed.

The RCS Board of Education will conduct special called meeting on Friday, November 8, 2024. The BOE will immediately move to closed session. The agenda can be found at http://www.boarddocs.com/nc/rock/Board.nsf

RCS is installing 3 new HVAC unit at Leaksville-Spray Elementary School today for the cafeteria, dining area and gym!!

Don't forget! No school tomorrow, November 5th, 2024. It is a teacher work day.

Good evening, Leaksville-Spray families. This is Ms. Scales with your weekly message.
Report cards will be issued on Monday, November 4th. The parent/teacher conference window is now open and teachers have shared information to set up conferences. Please make sure you get your conference scheduled to discuss your child’s progress.
Please remember that Rockingham County Schools will continue to require approved background checks for any chaperone or volunteer within our school and field trips. Volunteer training will be offered on Monday, November 4 at 3:30pm-6pm, every fifteen minutes. Here is the link to complete a background check:
There is a scheduled Teacher Workday on Tuesday, November 5th. There will be no school for students on Tuesday.
We are looking forward to another amazing week! As always, thank you for all you do and have a great evening!

Reminder for RCS families - November 5, 2024 is an optional teacher workday and no school for students. Also, this is election day and we encourage all eligible members of the RCS community to exercise their right to vote.