Given the timing of these snow days falling towards the end of the semester and the EOC tests/ class exams that were scheduled to start for middle and high school students, the school board approved adjustments to our school calendar. Please see the updated changes below:
End of Semester moved from 1-17 to 1-22
MLK day, 1/20 - Holiday- No school
Student day 1/22 and 1/23
Teacher work days 1/23 and 1/24
Report cards issued 1/30
The summary is that we are moving the semester back five days and moving the required workdays from Tuesday/Wednesday to Thursday/Friday. We will still plan to our awards ceremonies as scheduled for the 30th and 31st.
If you have questions, please reach out to the school. Thank you!

Due to school closings & remote learning days, here are changes to the RCS school calendar for January 2025:
End of Semester moved from 1-17 to 1-22
MLK day, 1/20 Holiday for all students & staff
School days 1/21 & 1/22
Required teacher work days 1/23 & 1/24
Report Cards 1/30

🚨 Weather Update 🚨
After reassessing road conditions, RCS has decided that tomorrow, January 14th, will be a remote learning day for students.
🕘 Staff will report on a 2-hour delay.
👶 RCS Childcare will operate on its normal schedule and families must provide snacks and lunch

📢 Attention Rockingham County Schools Families:
Rockingham County Schools will operate on a 3-hour delay for students tomorrow, January 14, 2025. RCS staff should report at the regular time. Childcare will open at the normal time. CYT!

Good evening, Leaksville-Spray families. This is Ms. Scales with your weekly message.
Our next PTO meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, January 14 at 5:30pm. Please come out and support our PTO. Everyone is welcome to attend.
Please go ahead and mark your calendar. We will have 1st Semester Awards Programs on January 30 and 31. On January 30, our 5th grade Awards and DARE Graduation will be held at 8:30am. On January 31, our 1st/2nd grades program will be held at 8:30am, 3rd/4th grades program will be held at 9:45am and Kindergarten awards program will begin at 1:00pm. We are excited to celebrate our students and all they have accomplished during the first semester of this school year.
Tomorrow, Monday, January 13, is a remote learning day. Please see your child’s ClassDojo for more information regarding remote learning work.
We are looking forward to another amazing week! Thank you for all you do and have a great evening!

📢 Attention RCS Families:
Due to lingering snow and ice on roads and neighborhoods, RCS will have a remote learning day for students tomorrow, January 13th. All RCS buildings will open at 10:00 am. Updates to the school calendar for the remainder of January will be shared soon.

📢 Attention Rockingham County Schools Families:
Rockingham County Schools will have a remote learning day for all students, tomorrow, January 10, 2025 due to the forecast of inclement weather. Childcare will be available in the morning as scheduled and close at 12:00pm.

With the inclement weather forecast for our area tomorrow, RCS is considering our options including a remote learning day for students. We will be providing additional information on our websites, social media and the local news later this evening.

**📢 Attention Rockingham County Schools Families:
Rockingham County Schools will operate on a normal schedule tomorrow, Wednesday, January 8, 2025. Students and staff should report at the regular time. We look forward to seeing everyone! Stay safe and have a great evening!

*School Closure Due to Inclement Weather*
Due to inclement weather, Rockingham County Schools will be closed for students tomorrow, January 7, 2025. Childcare services will be available at 12pm and close at the normal scheduled time. All school activities can take place between 2:30-5:00 pm. There will be no school activities permitted after 5 pm.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. Please stay tuned for any further updates via our district website, local news and social media channels.

Good evening, Leaksville-Spray families and Happy New Year. This is Ms. Scales with your weekly message.
**Weather Update Monday, January 6, 2025**
Due to inclement weather, Rockingham County Schools will be closed for students tomorrow, January 6, 2025. Daycare will also closed. All school activities are cancelled as well. For staff, tomorrow will be an optional teacher workday. Please stay tuned for any further updates via our district website and social media channels.
Our next PTO meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, January 14 at 5:30pm. Please come out and support our PTO. Everyone is welcome to attend.
Please go ahead and mark your calendar. We will have 1st Semester Awards Programs on January 30 and 31. On January 30, our 5th grade Awards and DARE Graduation will be held at 8:30am. On January 31, our 1st/2nd grades program will be held at 8:30am, 3rd/4th grades program will be held at 9:45am and Kindergarten awards program will begin at 1:00pm. We are excited to celebrate our students and all they have accomplished during the first semester of this school year.
We hope everyone had a wonderful break. We can't wait to see everyone back in the building on TUESDAY, ready to learn! Let’s start the year off great by making sure your child is at school on time each day!
We are looking forward to another amazing week!
Thank you for all you do and have a great evening!

** School Closure Due to Inclement Weather **
Rockingham County Schools has decided there will be no school for students tomorrow, January 6, 2025. Daycare services will be closed. Also, all school based activities are cancelled. For staff, tomorrow will be an optional teacher workday.
Please stay tuned for any further updates via our district website and social media channels.

🎄This holiday season, we want to take a moment to express our heartfelt gratitude to our incredible Rockingham County Schools family. To our dedicated staff, hardworking students and supportive families—thank you for your unwavering commitment, resilience and care throughout the year.
As we celebrate the spirit of Christmas, may your homes be filled with joy, laughter and cherished moments with loved ones. Let’s carry the kindness and hope of this season into the new year, continuing to learn, grow and inspire together.
From our RCS family to yours, Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

RCS would like to congratulate our most recent National Board Certified Teachers and those renewing their certification! Your dedication to excellence in teaching inspires us all!! https://docs.google.com/document/d/1O-VCp_rcb_cSNDk29L7T4Wz7FEFkUxxvZpoTn1g9zgU/edit?tab=t.0

Don't forget! Tomorrow, December 20th, is an early release day. Students will be dismissed at 12:45 pm. Please make the necessary arrangements to ensure your child is picked up from school or has someone at home at their bus stop.

Our RCS nurses wish all our staff, students & families a Merry Christmas!!

Please take a look at the upcoming dates for January 2025! January 2nd and 3rd will be Optional Teacher Work Days. Students will return to school from Winter Break on January 6th. We hope you all have a wonderful winter break and a happy new year!

We are looking to add to our Dolphin staff at LSE! We are looking to hire a teacher assistant and an AM/PM bus driver. The bus driver position is a full route of about 4 hours. Click the links below to apply or contact Ms. Scales or Mrs. Wall with questions.
Teacher Assistant: https://rockinghamnc.ted.peopleadmin.com/hire/ViewJob.aspx?JobID=1912
Bus Driver: https://rockinghamnc.ted.peopleadmin.com/hire/ViewJob.aspx?JobID=1920

Good evening, Leaksville-Spray families. This is Ms. Scales with your weekly message.
PTO will be hosting Skate Night at the Roll-A-Bout on Thursday, December 19 from 5:30PM-7:30PM. Please remember that students must be accompanied by an adult to attend.
We will continue our countdown to winter break this week by dressing like a present on Monday, wearing your favorite holiday vacation clothes on Tuesday, wearing tacky holiday sweaters on Wednesday, K-2 will wear red and 3-5 will wear green on Thursday, and pajama day will be on Friday. You can find the winter break countdown on ClassDojo.
There is a scheduled early release day on Friday, December 20. Students will be dismissed at 12:45pm. Please be sure that your child’s ride is here at 12:45pm.
Please remember that there will be no school for students beginning December 23-January 3. We wish you and your family a wonderful and relaxing holiday season and Happy New Year! We look forward to welcoming everyone back on January 6, 2025!
We are looking forward to having one more amazing week before winter break!
As always, thank you for all you do and have a great evening!

The Piedmont Triad Education Consortium recognized Leaksville-Spray and Southend Elementary Schools as signature schools! Congrats to the students and staff!!