Weekly Announcements

3/9/25 -

Good evening.  This is Mr. Rice, Principal of Booker T. Washington Learning Center calling with your weekly announcements:

  • Please listen carefully to this announcement. On Tuesday, all 11th-grade students will take the ACT. SCORE students in 9th and 10th grade will have a virtual learning day, and teachers will provide instructions for what needs to be completed. All Day Treatment students and SCORE middle school students should attend school as usual. 

  • We are excited to announce that Ms. Jennifer Dolschenko has been named Teacher of the Year, and Ms. Alfreda Haith is our Certified Staff of the Year for BTWLC. Both of these outstanding individuals consistently go above and beyond in their dedication and commitment to excellence in education.  We appreciate them both.

  • As a friendly reminder, when students transfer shuttle buses, they are not permitted to walk around on the other school grounds and must report directly to their next bus.

  • To clarify, SCORE students are not permitted to have cell phones or any electronic devices on the bus or at school. All electronic devices must be left at home. Additionally, students from other schools are not allowed to hold or be in possession of electronic devices for SCORE students during the school day. We appreciate your cooperation with this policy.

  • As always, thank you for supporting teaching and learning at Booker T. Washington Learning Center. 

3/2/25 -

  • No announcements this week.

2/23/25 -

Good evening.  This is Mr. Rice, Principal of Booker T. Washington Learning Center calling with your weekly announcements:

  • Progress reports will be sent home with students on Wednesday this week.

  • Thursday will be an Early Release Day.  Students at BTWLC will dismiss at 12:30p.

  • Friday will be a teacher workday.

  • The cafeteria staff reminds students that lunch account deposits will only be accepted on Mondays. Please bring exact change, with a maximum of $10 per deposit.

  • On March 11th, all 11th graders will take the ACT.  We will share more information with students soon.

  • As always, thank you for supporting teaching and learning at Booker T. Washington Learning Center.

2/9/25 -

Good evening.  This is Mr. Rice, Principal of Booker T. Washington Learning Center calling with your weekly announcements:

  • “Happy Bus Driver/Monitor Appreciation Week.”  We are thankful for Ms. Eaton, Ms. Christie, and Ms. Roach, our full-time drivers and monitors. We also thank Ms. Anderson, Ms. West, Ms. Haith, and Mr. McNeal, who fill in as substitute monitors and drivers for BTWLC.

  • The cafeteria staff reminds students that lunch account deposits will only be accepted on Mondays. Please bring exact change, with a maximum of $10 per deposit.

  • Valentine’s Day is this Friday! Please remember that the school does not accept deliveries for students. We kindly ask that any special gifts be given to them at home after school.

  • As always, thank you for supporting teaching and learning at Booker T. Washington Learning Center. 

2/3/25 -

Good evening.  This is Mr. Rice, Principal of Booker T. Washington Learning Center calling with your weekly announcements:

  • Report cards will be distributed to students tomorrow to bring home.

  • "Happy Counselor Appreciation Week! 🎉 A huge shoutout to our amazing school counselors, Ms. Doss and Mr. Slaydon for their dedication, support, and guidance. Thank you for always being there to help, listen, and inspire! 

  • For SCORE families, we appreciate your cooperation with the no-cell phone policy.  As a reminder, students should not bring any unnecessary items to school as we provide all academic supplies.

  • Also, please remember that “cargo pants” and “boots of any type” are not part of the approved dress code. 

  • As always, thank you for supporting teaching and learning at Booker T. Washington Learning Center.

1/26/25 -

Good evening.  This is Mr. Rice, Principal of Booker T. Washington Learning Center calling with your weekly announcements:

  • Tomorrow, we will begin the 2nd semester.  High school students will start their new courses.

  • We also welcome Ms. Mount to the BTW family.  She will serve as the new EC teacher with the Day Treatment Program.  

  • Beginning on Wednesday, January 29th, SCORE students are not permitted to bring their electronic devices to school or have them on the bus.  This includes, but is not limited to:  cell phones, smart watches, earbuds, headphones, etc… A letter will be sent home with students tomorrow outlining the new policy.

  • Report Cards will be distributed this Thursday, January 30th. 

  • As always, thank you for supporting teaching and learning at Booker T. Washington Learning Center. 

1/20/25 -

Good evening.  This is Mr. Rice, Principal of Booker T. Washington Learning Center calling with your weekly announcements:

  • This is a reminder for SCORE families about the dress code.  Boots of any kind are not permitted (winter boots, cowboy boots, UGG boots, etc…).  Pants must be worn properly around the waist, fit correctly, and include a belt.  Please refer to the orientation packet or call the school if you need clarification.

  • We are pleased to announce that there are six students who will transition back to their base school beginning on January 27th.  Letters were sent home and parents should contact their child’s base school to ensure enrollment paperwork is completed.

  • We are also excited to announce a new staff member who will be joining BTWLC  beginning next Monday.  Ms. Mount will serve as the new EC teacher in Day Treatment. 

  • Tomorrow, we are planning to complete any make-up exams.

  • Wednesday is the last day of the grading period.  

  • Thursday and Friday will be teacher workdays.

  • As always, thank you for supporting teaching and learning at Booker T. Washington Learning Center.

1/14/25 -

Good evening.  This is Mr. Rice, Principal of Booker T. Washington Learning Center calling with some announcements:

  • As you know, we will operate on a 2-hour delay.  Doors will open up at 10:30 am for students.  

  • Students will be provided breakfast and lunch.

  • We will administer the English II exam and the make-up for the English Teacher Made Exam in the morning.  It is important that these students are in attendance and on time for their exams.

  • Thursday we will administer the Biology and science teacher-made exams.

  • Friday will be the Math I exams. 

  • During the three remote learning days, students were required to complete tasks online or via paper/pencil (as specified on our website.)  We have given credit to work that has been completed online and that met the minimum of 30 minutes per class.  If students completed the assignments on paper/pencil, they must be submitted to the teachers on their first day back to school or they will not receive credit for the remote learning days.  

  • We appreciate your continued support of teaching and learning at Booker T. Washington Learning Center. 

1/13/25 -

Good evening.  This is Mr. Rice, Principal of Booker T. Washington Learning Center calling with your weekly announcements:

  • Tomorrow, we will operate on a 3-hour delay for students.  Doors will open for students at 11:30a.  Regular dismissal will take place at 2:30p.

  • Students will be provided breakfast upon arrival.

  • Lunch will be served shortly after noon.

  • High school students scheduled to take an EOC will be provided with an exam review.  Other HS students will work on completing SEL lessons or any other work for their courses.

  • Middle school students will continue with their regular curriculum.  

  • Day Treatment students will complete lessons with their QP’s.  

  • We hope to begin EOC testing on Wednesday and will follow the planned schedule for testing.

  • As always, thank you for supporting teaching and learning at Booker T. Washington Learning Center. 

1/11/25 -

Good evening.  This is Mr. Rice, Principal of Booker T. Washington Learning Center calling with your weekly announcements:

  • Tomorrow will be a remote learning day for students.  We will follow the same procedures as communicated this past Friday.  Students must complete the required amount of work to receive credit for the day.  Instructional information is available on our school website under “Remote Learning.”

  • On Tuesday, we will begin our EOC exams.

    • Tuesday - English II

    • Wednesday - Math I and Math III

    • Thursday - Biology and all science Teacher-made Exams

  • All elementary and middle school students will continue to have their regular classes as scheduled. 

  • The district may move a few days next week to ensure all testing has been completed. With that said, the transition of students who completed the SCORE program may be delayed by a day or two in their transition back to their base school.  We will communicate with these families as we receive more information.

  • On Monday, January 20th, the school will be closed in observance of the Martin Luther King Holiday.

  • We appreciate everyone’s flexibility and cooperation.  If you need further assistance, please reach out to us at the school. 

  • As always, thank you for your continued support of teaching and learning at Booker T. Washington Learning Center. 

1/9/25 -

Good evening.  This is Mr. Rice, Principal of Booker T. Washington Learning Center calling with information about remote learning for tomorrow:

  • Expectations and assignments have been provided on the school website under the “Remote Learning” tab for students to complete tomorrow.  

  • Teachers will be available via Zoom to meet with students from 10:00 am - 1:00 pm (unless the school system closes during those hours.)  Teachers will send a Zoom link out to students via email in the morning.  

  • SCORE Program Students must complete a minimum of 30 minutes of work in each class and one SEL lesson to receive full attendance credit and all of their daily participation points.

  • Day Treatment Students must complete 30 minutes of math and reading as well as one hour of SEL work.  

  • Links are available on the BTW School site under the “Remote Learning” Tab.

  • After reading the information on the BTW School website if you still have questions, please reach out to your child’s teacher.

1/7/25 -

Good evening.  This is Mr. Rice, Principal of Booker T. Washington Learning Center calling with your weekly announcements:

  • On behalf of the BTW faculty and staff, we would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year.

  • Tomorrow will be a regular school day for all students.  If you bring your student to school, remember that we do not open our doors until 8:30 am.

  • High School Students will have their “teacher-made exams” on Thursday and Friday of this week.  

  • Next week, the high school students will take their End of Course exams.  We will provide each student with their exam schedule to bring home.

  • Please ensure your child is in attendance at school as both the teacher-made exams and EOC’s will count for 20% of their semester grade.

  • Elementary and middle school students will continue with their regular instruction during the high school exam period.

  • The end of the grading period is on Friday, January 17th.  

  • This Thursday is Law Enforcement Appreciation Day.  We are very thankful for the dedicated officers who serve and help to protect our community as well as our school.  A special thank you to Officer Millner, Officer Gibbs, Officer Carter, and Officer Wade of the Reidsville PD for their service to BTW.

As always, thank you for your continued support of teaching and learning at Booker T. Washington Learning Center. 

12/18/24 -

Good evening.  This is Mr. Rice, Principal of Booker T. Washington Learning Center calling with an update:

  • We know that both students and staff are eagerly looking forward to the upcoming holiday break! As we approach this exciting time, we kindly remind students to continue meeting school expectations, demonstrating respectful behavior, and following the dress code.

  • In my commitment to keeping families informed, I want to share an update with our SCORE community. To ensure a safe and focused environment for everyone, all SCORE students will temporarily enjoy lunch in their classrooms. Rest assured, students will continue to have access to the same lunch options during this time.

  • As a reminder, BTW will dismiss students at 12:30p on Friday.

  • Thank you for supporting teaching and learning at Booker T. Washington Learning Center.

  • Happy Holidays from our family to yours.

12/15/24 -

Good evening.  This is Mr. Rice, Principal of Booker T. Washington Learning Center calling with your weekly announcements:

  • We had a wonderful Holiday Breakfast this past Friday and thank everyone who attended—a special thank you to Ms. Doss for heading up this event.  We will post a list of our sponsors on the BTW website in the next few days.  Please ensure you support and thank these community members and businesses for their gratitude and willingness to support our school.

  • This is the last week before the Holiday Break. Please remember that all RCS students will be dismissed from school 2 hours early on Friday.  BTW will dismiss at 12:30p.

  • Students will return to school on January 6th.

  • First-semester exams will begin on January 13th.  We will post our exam schedule online and via Class Dojo.

  • On behalf of the faculty and staff at BTW, we send our warmest wishes this season. Wishing you a Happy Winter Solstice, Happy Kwanzaa, Happy Boxing Day, Happy Hanukkah, a very Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year!

  • As always, thank you for supporting teaching and learning at Booker T. Washington Learning Center.

12/12/24 -

Good evening.  This is Mr. Rice, Principal of Booker T. Washington Learning Center calling with an announcement:

  • We are very excited about hosting our 2nd Annual Holiday Breakfast tomorrow beginning at 9:30 am in the cafeteria.  As a reminder, this is for “current students only” and up to two parents/guardians. Upon arrival, all visitors will enter the school through the side doors to the cafeteria, which is located on the side of the school where the buses park.  

  • Please note that all guests must pass through security screening upon entering the building. To ensure a smooth process, please leave unnecessary items in your vehicles.

  • Along with a hearty breakfast, we will have a variety of craft activities for everyone as well as a visit from the man in the red hat.  

  • We look forward to having a great time with our students, families, staff, and community members in the morning.

  • As always, thank you for supporting teaching and learning at Booker T. Washington Learning Center.

12/8/24 -

Good evening.  This is Mr. Rice, Principal of Booker T. Washington Learning Center calling with your weekly announcements:

  • BTW will hold a “Holiday Spirit Week” this week.  Information was sent home with students last week.  Monday will be  - Holiday Sock Day; Tuesday is - Ugly Sweater Day; Wednesday is - Holiday Wacky Tacky Day; Thursday is - Candy Cane Day; and Friday will be - Holiday Hat Day.  Note that SCORE students must still adhere to the pants, belt, and shoes dress code policy.  

  • This Friday, we will hold our 2nd Annual Holiday Breakfast beginning at 9:30 am in the cafeteria.  As a reminder, this is for “current students only” and up to two parents/guardians. Upon arrival, all guests must pass through security screening, including metal detectors, upon entry. To ensure a smooth process, please leave unnecessary items in your vehicles. RSVP’s are due by tomorrow morning.

  • As always, thank you for supporting teaching and learning at Booker T. Washington Learning Center.

12/5/25 - 

Good evening.  This is Mr. Rice, Principal of Booker T. Washington Learning Center calling with a couple of announcements:

  • The holiday season is upon us!! Today SCORE students took home two reminders.  Day Treatment will receive their reminders to take home tomorrow.

  • The first is for the Holiday Breakfast next Friday, December 13th.  Please make sure you RSVP to Mrs. Doss by Monday, December 9th either via class dojo, phone call, or email so we can ensure that we have enough food catered in.  We will have several craft activities and door prizes available.  As a reminder, this is for “current students only” and up to two parents/guardians.

  • The second is for a spirit week that the students are being invited to participate in next week.  Monday will be  - Holiday Sock Day; Tuesday is - Ugly Sweater Day; Wednesday is - Holiday Wacky Tacky Day; Thursday is - Candy Cane Day; and Friday will be - Holiday Hat Day.

  • As always, thank you for supporting teaching and learning at Booker T. Washington Learning Center.

    11/24/24 -

Good evening.  This is Mr. Rice, Principal of Booker T. Washington Learning Center calling with your weekly announcements:

  • There will be no school from November 27th - 29th for the Thanksgiving break.

  • BTW will have their 2nd annual Holiday Breakfast on Friday, December 13th at 9:30 am for current BTW students and up to two adults per household. More information will be forthcoming soon.

  • On behalf of the faculty and staff at BTW, may your Thanksgiving be filled with love, laughter, and cherished moments around the table. Wishing your family joy, gratitude, and blessings that last throughout the season and beyond!

  • As always, thank you for your continued support of teaching and learning at Booker T. Washington Learning Center.

11/17/24 -

Good evening.  This is Mr. Rice, Principal of Booker T. Washington Learning Center calling with your weekly announcements:

  • Students will receive their progress reports this Wednesday.

  • There will be no school from November 27th - 29th for the Thanksgiving break.

  • BTW will have their 2nd annual Holiday Breakfast on Friday, December 13th for current BTW students and up to two adults per household.  More information will be forthcoming soon.

  • As always, thank you for your continued support of teaching and learning at Booker T. Washington Learning Center.

11/11/24 -

Good evening.  This is Mr. Rice, Principal of Booker T. Washington Learning Center calling with an announcement for SCORE families:

  • There are no weekly announcements.

11/07/24 -

Good evening.  This is Mr. Rice, Principal of Booker T. Washington Learning Center calling with an announcement for SCORE families:

  • Earlier today, the shuttle from BTW with the SCORE students had to return to the school due to several students not following the directions given by the driver and monitor. Before the end of the day, I spoke directly with the students about bus behavior and informed them that if the bus had to turn back, those involved would face a bus suspension.

  • First, I want to apologize to the students and families who were following the rules and expectations on the bus. Your patience and cooperation with the safety rules are greatly appreciated.

  • Second, I kindly ask all families to remind their children of the importance of following directions and adhering to safety protocols on the bus. Today’s incident caused delays that impacted not only BTW families but also many others across the district, as other shuttle buses and school routes were held up as a result.

  • Once again, we ask for your help in reinforcing this message with our students to prevent any similar incidents in the future.

  • If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at the school. 

  • As always, thank you for your continued support of teaching and learning at Booker T. Washington Learning Center.

11/03/24 -

Good evening.  This is Mr. Rice, Principal of Booker T. Washington Learning Center calling with your weekly announcements:

  • Report Cards will be distributed tomorrow for students to bring home. 

  • Tuesday, November 5, is a teacher workday. There is no school.

  • This week, November 4-8, Day Treatment Students will celebrate Homecoming as a conclusion of Red Ribbon Week. Monday is jersey day—come dressed in your favorite team clothes. Wednesday is hat day. Thursday is #1 fan day—you can show us what you are a fan of by how you dress. Friday is pajama day. Please make sure all outfits are school-appropriate. Students should not bring extra props for their outfits.

  • As always, thank you for supporting teaching and learning at Booker T. Washington Learning Center.

10/27/24 -

Good evening.  This is Mr. Rice, Principal of Booker T. Washington Learning Center calling with your weekly announcements:

  • Students at BTW can purchase Al A Carte items in the cafe.  Students should bring no more than $10.00 each week that will be placed on their account.  Parents can also go online to K12 payment center.com and deposit funds in students’ accounts.   A link to this site will be made available on our school website.

  • Tomorrow, Monday, October 28th is a teacher workday. 

  • On Wednesday and Thursday, we will administer the P-ACT to all 10th-grade students.  Please ensure they receive a good night's rest the night before so they can do their best.

  • Report Cards will go home on Monday, November 4th.

  • Please note that students are not permitted to dress in a costume for Halloween.  They must follow the standard dress code for their respective programs. 

  • The SCORE program has seven students returning to their base schools beginning on Tuesday.  We wish them the best of luck.

10/20/24 -

Good evening.  This is Booker T Washington Lenter's AI calling with your weekly announcements:

  • SCORE students who are returning to their base school received a letter last week that informed families of the process to ensure their child is reenrolled in their base school.  Please ensure you complete this process prior to your child going back to the base school.  

  • As part of their transition meeting this week, the students MUST present their Restorative Justice PPT.  If a student is absent for their meeting, they will not be permitted to begin at their base school until this is completed.  

  • Beginning this week, students at BTW can purchase Al A Carte items in the cafe.  Students should bring no more than $10.00 each week that will be placed on their account.  Parents can also go online to K12 payment center.com and deposit funds in students’ accounts.   A link to this site will be made available on our school website.

  • This week is the North Carolina College Application Week.  If you have a college-bound 12th grader in any Rockingham County School, please encourage them to speak with their counselor for more information. 

  • Wednesday, all 1st- 5th grade and 8th-grade students will have their vision test and 1st and 3rd graders will have their hearing tests completed by the school nurse.  If your child wears glasses, please ensure they bring them to school on Wednesday. 

  • Friday marks the end of the first nine-week grading period and will be an early release day for students.  BTWLC will dismiss students at 12:30p. 

  • Report Cards will go home on Monday, November 4th.

  • Monday, October 28th is a teacher workday. 

  • As always, thank you for supporting teaching and learning at Booker T. Washington Learning Center.

    10/15/24 -

Good evening. This is Booker T Washington Lenter's AI calling with an announcement. Tomorrow (Wednesday, October 16th) is National Bullying Awareness Day. Staff and students are encouraged to wear orange. Shirts can be any style but must be school-appropriate. If a score student chooses not to participate, they must follow the required dress code. Thank you for supporting teaching and learning at Booker T Washington Learning Center.

10/13/24 -

Good evening.  There are no announcements for this week.

10/6/24 -

Good evening.  This is Mr. Rice, Principal of Booker T. Washington Learning Center calling with your weekly announcements:

  • We are pleased to share that we had an excellent field trip with those students who participated in the Envision Trip last week and those who participated in the Restorative Justice Workshop.  They did an outstanding job representing the Booker T. Washington Learning Center.  

  • This is a reminder that students may only have a clear water bottle at school starting tomorrow.  

  • This week, students will take benchmark tests in Math 1, Math 3, English 2, and Biology.  While these tests are not graded it provides the teachers with valuable information about students progress in their academics.  Please encourage them to do their best on these assessments.

  • Day Treatment will have a field trip on Friday, October 11th to Harvest Ridge Farm.  Permission slips are due tomorrow (October 7th.)

  • Finally, SCORE students who have completed the requirements in League 1 and have earned 400 or more points will have their League Up Meeting on Friday, October 12th.  During the meeting, we will reach out to parents so they can participate over the phone and celebrate each student’s success.

  • As always, thank you for supporting teaching and learning at Booker T. Washington Learning Center.

9/29/24 -

Good evening.  This is Mr. Rice, Principal of Booker T. Washington Learning Center calling with your weekly announcements:

  • Parents - Due to a concern about inappropriate items being hidden in water bottles, opaque water bottles will not be permitted at school.  Students may only have a “clear and empty water bottle.”  They can utilize the filtered water stations at school to fill them up.  This will be fully enforced beginning on Monday, October 7th to permit time for families to obtain new water bottles.  We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

  • We have been notified of an exciting event for qualifying 7th-grade and 10th-grade students this week where they can attend a Career Expo at Rockingham County Community College on Thursday or Friday, respectfully. Those students who are eligible will receive a letter and permission form tomorrow (September 30th) and must return the completed form by Tuesday (October 1st) to participate.

  • Also, several SCORE students will participate in a Restorative Justice Workshop on Thursday and Friday as they learn to become “Circle Keepers.”  Eight students have been selected to participate.  They will receive their official invitation on Monday.  The training will take place at the school.

  • Progress reports will be sent home to all students this Wednesday (October 2nd.)  

  • Please note that any students who had a suspension that included last Friday will return to school one day later since the school was closed for all students.  If you have questions, please call the school for clarification.  

  • As always, thank you for supporting teaching and learning at Booker T. Washington Learning Center.

9/22/24 -

Good evening.  This is Mr. Rice, Principal of Booker T. Washington Learning Center calling with your weekly announcements:

  • This week will be the “student bus ridership count.”  If your child is assigned to a bus, it is important they ride this week to ensure we have accurate numbers.  This count determines state funding for the transportation department for the school system.

  • Friday, September 27th will be an early release day.  BTWLC will release students at 12:30 pm.  

  • Parents, please remind your child that they should not bring any unnecessary items to school (such as make-up, hair grooming items, and so forth.) Your assistance is greatly appreciated.

  • As a general reminder: Drop off and pick up times for Day Treatment are 8:30 am and 2:30 pm. SCORE students should be at school by 9:00 am and will be dismissed at 2:30 pm.  The building is not open for students until 8:30 am. Please ensure your child is on time so we can complete check-in and lunch orders to begin classes on time.  Note that breakfast may not be available to students who arrive late to school.  Also, students who arrive late will only have the option of a “snack pack” for lunch.

  • The Biology Check-in assessment has been rescheduled for October.  More information will be shared as we get closer to the testing date.

  • As always, thank you for supporting teaching and learning at Booker T. Washington Learning Center.

9/8/24 - 

Good evening.  This is Mr. Rice, Principal of Booker T. Washington Learning Center calling with your weekly announcements:

  • On Tuesday, our Third Graders will take the BOY benchmark assessment.  Please ensure they get a good night's rest before testing and encourage them to do their best.

  • We are very proud of several SCORE students who earned all of their points this week and are on track with the League System.  Please remember that if a student is absent, they are not earning points for the day and this may delay their completion of the program.

  • Day Treatment parents: Save September 19th at 5:30 for our Back to School Night. Your student will walk you through their day and explain some details about our new leveling system.   

  • As always, thank you for supporting teaching and learning at Booker T. Washington Learning Center.

    9/1/24 - 

Good evening.  This is Mr. Rice, Principal of Booker T. Washington Learning Center calling with your weekly announcements:

  • RCS will be closed tomorrow, Monday, September 2nd in observance of Labour Day. 

  • We enjoyed seeing students and parents this past week and look forward to welcoming back the students to the SCORE program on Tuesday.  Please remember that SCORE students cannot enter the building until 8:30a.  Also, they must be in dress code or they will have to wait in the lobby until a parent or guardian arrives with the appropriate attire.  Please refer to your orientation packet for specifics.

  • All students are reminded that ALL electronic devices must be turned off prior to entering the building.

  • Students will bring home a letter with a QR code that will permit families to sign up for our Class DoJo account.  We will soon begin using this platform for parent communication in addition to our weekly announcements.

  • Day Treatment parents: Save September 19th at 5:30 for our Back to School Night. Your student will walk you through their day and explain some details about our new leveling system.   

  • As always, thank you for supporting teaching and learning at Booker T. Washington Learning Center.

    8/28/24 - 

Good evening.  This is Mr. Rice, Principal of Booker T. Washington Learning Center calling with a reminder for SCORE families:

  • Tomorrow afternoon beginning at 3:00 pm, we will hold a Welcome Back session for students and their parents.  We will begin as a group reviewing expectations and completing the paperwork for the beginning of the year.  Once the group session is completed, teachers will be available to meet with you to discuss the school year.  

  • As a reminder, the new security system is up and running.  All visitors and students will need to pass through the security station.  Please ensure you leave any items that may set off the system at home or in your car.  We appreciate your cooperation.

  • As always, thank you for supporting teaching and learning at Booker T. Washington Learning Center.

    8/25/24 - 

Good evening.  This is Mr. Rice, Principal of Booker T. Washington Learning Center calling with your weekly announcements:

  • Tomorrow, we will welcome our Day Treatment students back to school. 

  • Students in the SCORE program will return to school on Tuesday, September 3rd.

  • Being the first day, please ensure your child is out and ready for the bus approximately 15 minutes prior to the scheduled time.  If the bus does not arrive within 20 minutes of the scheduled time, please reach out to the school for assistance.

  • As a reminder, students at BTW will not need to purchase any school supplies as everything will be provided at the school.  Students should not bring backpacks or any other type of bag to school - this includes our Day Treatment Program. 

  • Breakfast and lunch will be provided to ALL students for free this school year.

  • This year BTWLC will be utilizing Class DoJo to assist with both individualized and mass communication with parents. Please watch for information coming home via text, email, or printed paper to help you connect to your child’s Class DoJo account. 

  • Day Treatment parents: Save September 19th at 5:30 for our Back to School Night. Your student will walk you through their day and explain some details about our new leveling system.   

  • Additionally, please remember that all students must turn in their phones at the start of the school day and will receive them back before exiting the building at the end of the day. Students should not bring more than a single phone and should not bring charging cables and battery packs with their phones.

  • Beginning tomorrow, Booker T. Washington Learning Center, along with all Middle and High Schools in the district, will implement a new weapons detection system. All students and visitors must pass through this system to enter the school. Visitors' bags, purses, and other belongings will also be screened and may be searched if the system is triggered. Refusal to comply with the screening process will result in denied entry to the school. 

  • As always, thank you for supporting teaching and learning at Booker T. Washington Learning Center.

8/12/24 - 

Good evening.  This is Mr. Rice, Principal of Booker T. Washington Learning Center calling with some beginning of the year announcements.

  • The faculty and staff at BTW are looking forward to welcoming our students back for the new school year.  We hope that everyone had a restful summer and they are prepared for a great school year.

  • Day Treatment students will return to school on Monday, August 26th.

  • SCORE students will return to school on Tuesday, September 3rd (after the Labour Day Holiday.)  This delay for SCORE is to permit staff to complete some training necessary for the new school year.  We appreciate your cooperation and understanding. 

  • All SCORE students and parents/guardians should plan to attend our Welcome Back Orientation program on Thursday, August 29th beginning at 3:00 pm.  We will review procedures, provide updated information to families, and review our contact information on file for each family.

  • Day Treatment will have a “Welcome Back To School” event in September.  Details will come soon.

  • Students at BTW will not need to purchase any school supplies as everything will be provided at the school.  Details will be provided during the orientation meetings.

  • BTW has a new public website that will hold important information for families.  The easiest way to navigate to the new page is to visit the district website at www.rock.k12.nc.us and then click on “Schools” and select Booker T. Washington Learning Center under the “high school” column.  You can then bookmark our website on your browser.  

  • Remember that you can find a copy of our announcements on our webpage by clicking on the “announcements” tab in the top right corner of the page.

  • As always, thank you for supporting teaching and learning at Booker T. Washington Learning Center.