Driver's Ed

Find information on requirements and state license procedures by visiting the RCS Driver's Ed page. To schedule your class or for information about the class, see additional information below.
DMV Handbook
Rockingham County School System offers Driver Education for a fee of $25 to all public, private, charter and home school students who are eligible. A student must be at least fourteen and a half years of age to enroll in Driver Education.
The program is designed and dedicated to help the students gain a basic understanding of how to operate a motor vehicle safely. It will help prepare the student for the Behind-the-Wheel Instruction and eventually the North Carolina driver’s license exam requirement.
The Driver Education program consists of two parts
Part I: 30 hours of classroom instruction
Part II: 6 hours of driving Behind-the-Wheel training
Classroom Instruction
These 30-hour classes will be held after the school day has ended, on Saturdays, and during the summer.
The requirements for this classroom instruction are:
Must be 14 ½ years old.
Must be enrolled in a school.
ID card from DMV.
Must be present for 30 hours of instruction. A student may make-up a total of 4 hours if absent.
Must leave the campus immediately after the class has been dismissed.
Behind-the-Wheel Training
Students are scheduled to complete this part of Driver Education. The student cannot be scheduled for this until he/she has completed the classroom instruction. A student must complete 6 hours of Behind-the-Wheel Training and 6 hours of observation.
In order to find out when the Driver Education classroom sessions are scheduled you may call the Driver Education Coordinator in the high school where the student attends school. The Coordinators are:
McMichael High School – Marty Woods - 336-427-5165
Morehead High School – Sheila Thompson – 336-627-7731
Reidsville High School – Doug Marrs – 336-349-6361
Rockingham Co. High School – George Barber – 336-616-0073