BTWLC Remote Learning Plans
SCORE Program Students -
If the school is closed and the district announces "remote learning," students must log in to their Edgenuity or iReady/IXL account and complete at least 30 minutes of work per class, as well as one assigned SEL lesson. Students in NCSpark can also access and work on their assignments from home. The online programs will track the time students spend actively completing work and will record "idle time" if no assignments are being done. To receive credit for the day and earn their daily points, students must meet these minimum requirements.
Teachers will hold "Remote Office Hours" from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM. They will provide students with a Zoom link via email, which can be used to connect with teachers for assistance during these times.
The Edgenuity Learning Platform can be accessed on computers or smartphones (LINK). Students are familiar with this platform and know their login credentials. Science students should look at "Google Classroom" for assignments.
Credit Recovery Courses - complete work on Edgenuity.
In the event of extenuating circumstances (ie: power outages), here are some assignments students can complete and turn in upon return to school:
All English/ELA - Students should keep a daily journal about their day and what they may be feeling. They will need to write in complete sentences with correct capitalization and punctuation. New paragraphs should be started for new topics (about 6 - 10 sentences/paragraph.) This will be submitted to Ms. Powell
All Science - Students should go outside or look out the window and try to identify and draw the clouds they see. On the same sheet of paper, record the weather for the day. Include high/low temperature, humidity, dewpoint, wind speed, and any precipitation (snow or ice). Follow the writing standards as listed for English/ELA. This will be submitted to Ms. Dolschanko.
All Math - Develop 6 questions based upon the concepts you are currently learning in class and solve the problems. This will be submitted to Ms. Chestnut.
All History - Students can write a journal entry from the perspective of a historical figure they’ve learned about, imagining what a day in their life might have been like. They can include details about the time period, challenges faced, and significant events. This will be submitted to Mr. Rice.
SEL - Students can write out a "Restorative Circle Script" on this topic: "Think about a time when you faced a challenge. How did you handle it, and what did you learn about yourself?" This will be submitted to Ms. Doss.
Day Treatment Program Students -
If the school is closed and the district announces "remote learning," QPs will hold "Remote Office Hours" from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM. They will provide students with a Google Meets link, which can be used to connect with QPs for assistance during these times. Parents can also contact QPs via Class DoJo.
Day Treatment students utilize digital learning platforms on a regular basis at school and are familiar with logging into the platforms they use. The Edgenuity Learning Platform (Middle School/High School) can be accessed on computers or smartphones (LINK). The iReady Platform (Elementary/Middle School) can be accessed on computers or tablets (LINK). Students are familiar with these platforms and know their login credentials.
Middle School and High School Students:
To receive credit for the day, students must meet these minimum requirements: Middle School/High School Students must log in to their Edgenuity or iReady account and complete at least 30 minutes of work in mathematics and reading/language arts. Students must also complete 1 hour of work in their SEL paper packet that was sent home. The SEL packet can also be accessed here (LINK) and can be completed on notebook paper if printing is not an option. The online programs will track the time students spend actively completing work and will record "idle time" if no assignments are being done. Paper packets must be returned on the next school day.
Elementary Students:
To receive credit for the day, students must meet these minimum requirements: Elementary Students must log in to their iReady account and complete at least 30 minutes of work in mathematics and reading/language arts. Students must also complete 1 hour of work in their SEL paper packet that was sent home. Elementary students may require assistance from a parent or other family member to complete some activities in the packet. The SEL packet can also be accessed here (LINK) and can be completed on notebook paper if printing is not an option. The online programs will track the time students spend actively completing work and will record "idle time" if no assignments are being done. Paper packets must be returned on the next school day.
RCS - Inclement Weather Procedures
Inclement Weather Procedures
When an announcement is made that schools are closed, the procedures below will be in effect. The announcement will be made on the RCS District website, on the RCS Facebook/Twitter pages, an RCS Alert Now phone message, on local TV or radio stations, and on the RCS Weather Line at 623-1385.
Plan 1:
Schools closed for students.
Child care opens at 9:00 AM, however no meals will be provided.
Plan 2:
Schools closed for students.
Child care is closed.
Plan 3:
Schools are closed for students and staff.
Child care is closed.
“__” Hour Delay:
Schools operate on a “__” hour delay; with the option to close.
Child care opens at 9:00 AM.
Early Release:
Schools close at specified times.
Child care closes at 4:00 PM.
Snow Routes:
When snow routes are noted, buses will not travel on unpaved roads.
When Bad Weather Hits…
No announcement means that the school will operate on a regular schedule!
If we have to make a school district decision due to inclement weather, the announcement will be made on the RCS District website at, on the RCS Facebook/Twitter pages, an RCS Alert Now phone message, on local TV or radio stations and on the RCS Weather Line at 623-1385.
The decision to close school or to operate on a delayed schedule will be announced by 5:00 AM.
If bad weather begins after school is in session, the school may be dismissed early to permit students to get home before roads become too dangerous.
Important Weather Announcement Locations:
RCS Weather Line - 336-623-1385
TV Stations - WFMY (News 2), WXII (News 12), WGHP (Fox 8)
Radio Stations - WLOE 1490 AM, WMYN 1420 AM & WFDD 88.5 FM