Community Stakeholders

Because of the way the programs at Booker T. Washington Learning Center are structured, we do not have a PTO and our students do not participate in any fundraisers. As a result, we rely heavily on the charity and goodwill of the community to supplement our budget for supplies and special programs. We have been blessed with donations of clothing, shoes, and other personal items for our students. We also have generous volunteers.
Special guest speakers who come to our school also donate their time. Several of our local businesses have consistently supported our efforts through the donation of coupons and discounts or donations of food items for our Thanksgiving meal or staff appreciation meals.
Anyone who would like to donate to our PBIS program or future Thanksgiving meals, please contact the school at 336-634-3209.
Many students have community support in place when they enroll at BTWLC. We welcome all adults to the table in support of students. It is not unusual for students to have outside behavioral/mental health counselors or group home counselors in the classroom, or for students to be pulled out of the classroom by court counselors or probation officers. We believe that each person has a role to play in successfully motivating, educating, and graduating students. We accommodate these visits with an attitude of flexibility and appreciation. We strive to maintain open lines of communication and include all stakeholders in IEP meetings, conferences, and behavioral concerns.
When it is time to transition students back to their home schools, teachers and other staff members create a transition document with observations and suggestions for how to best acclimate students back into the home school environment. BTWLC staff remain an available asset in support of students via email and follow up visits after transition.