Huntsville Media Center

Library Checkout Policies

Kindergarten can checkout one Library book, due in a week.
Huntsville students in grades 1st -5th can check out up to two Library books.
Library books can be renewed if more time is needed to complete book(s).
All Library books must be returned to their "home" when they are due.
Any overdue or damaged library book must be paid for so that a replacement copy can be purchased.
Students will receive weekly overdue reminders in Homeroom and when needed by Mrs. Foley on Class Dojo.
Library Behavior Expectations
All Huntsville Library students are expected to follow BARK behavior expectations while in the Library. Students are taught to respect the Library space, all its materials, and Staff. Students are taught that all books are organized on Library shelves and have "assigned seats" thus they are expected to use shelf markers to keep the shelves neat. Huntsville students show a love of reading by treating their books with kindness by hugging a book when holding it.
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