Activities and Clubs

EBOB team of kids standing together with adults

Below are the clubs and after school activities available for students.

Information and applications for activities are available in the office and you can also contact the club sponsor.

Choral Club

Chorus is an after school ensemble that prepares performances for the school and community throughout the school year. We meet on Thursday afternoons from 2:45-3:45pm. Students grades 3-5 are invited to participate.

Battle of the Books 

EBOB is a reading club open to 4th-5th graders. We meet on Mondays beginning Oct. 21st. Students must have permission slips and expectation forms turned in to participate. In our weekly meetings we read, discuss, play games and learn about the 16 books  on the official NC Elementary Battle of the Books list. Up to twelve students will be chosen to represent Huntsville at the February EBOB competition. Email or Dojo Mrs. Foley with any questions.

Good News Club

This club is open to all grade levels meets and meets on Mondays after school. Ellisboro Baptist Church is the sponsor.

Safety Patrol

Fifth graders perform morning and afternoon duties that make our school a safer and more enjoyable place to learn. 

Chess Club

Huntsville offers Chess Club on Wednesday afternoons in the Media Center from 2:45-4:00 for students in fourth and fifth grade.  During this time, students are served a snack, given time to learn chess etiquette and strategies with Mrs. Ruth Williamson, our fantastic community volunteer, and practice those new skills with peers.   Sponsored by Mrs. Farrell and Ms. Ruth Williamson.

Service Club

This club learns about service opportunities in our community. We focus on students’ interests and our community's needs. The students are active in our mission, and also in providing service. Students work to decide on a project, advertise it in the school and community, and ultimately collect and deliver the items and/or service. Service Club meets every Wednesday until mid December, and the members are 4th and 5th graders. Sponsored by Mrs. Alesia Smith, 2nd Grade Teacher.

Art and Drama Club

Sponsored by Mrs. T and Ms. Toney. Open to 3rd-5th graders. More information will be forthcoming.