Curriculum & Academics

RCS AIG Program

Below you will find additional information about our Academically/Intellectually Gifted (AIG) program. Click on the find out more tab for additional resources including CogAT Test, AIG Plan and student characteristics.
If you have questions or concerns about the AIG program or your child's AIG services, please contact Mrs. Lisa Miller, AIG Lead Teacher for Rockingham County Schools at 634-3209, extension 49221.
Each spring, the identification/placement teams at the elementary and middle schools review multiple sources of data to determine the best placement for current AIG students the next year and to consider new AIG placements for the upcoming school year. No student is exited from the program unless it is requested by the parent. Any parent, teacher, student, or community member who has academic knowledge of a student can submit a student's name to the school's Instructional Coach for possible consideration as placement in the AIG Program. In order for a student to be placed in the Rockingham County Schools' Academically and/or Intellectually Gifted Program, the placement criteria must be met.
The vision and mission of Rockingham County Schools' AIG program are in alignment with the district's vision and mission.