Monday (3/3/25) Theme: Cozy Up with a Good Book
Spirit Day: Wear your pjs and bring your favorite book and stuffy. Stuffy must fit in your backpack. (school appropriate, please)
Special Activity:
*Guess the Reader - Students will watch daily staff read aloud videos.
*How Many Bookworms? (at school) Person who guesses the closest wins a book! (One K-2 winner and one 3-5 winner.)
Tuesday (3/4/25) Theme: Surfs Up for Reading
Spirit Day: Wear Hawaiian print.
Special Activity:
*Guess the Reader - Students will watch daily staff read aloud videos.
*Reading Bingo Sheets Due!! Each Bingo row completed enters students into a drawing for a $10 Book Fair Gift Certificate. (at home and school). (Students will receive tickets for each family member that visits the book fair Mon.-Thurs. and be entered into a drawing held on Friday.)
Wednesday (3/5/25) Theme: Team Up for Reading
Spirit Day: Wear your favorite sport jersey/shirt or wear school colors (red/black).
Special Activity:
*Guess the Reader - Students will watch daily staff read aloud videos.
*Peer Reader Day - Share your favorite story.
Thursday (3/6/25) Theme: Book Character Day
Spirit Day: Dress up like your favorite book character. (school appropriate, please)
Special Activity:
*Guess the Reader - Students will watch daily staff read aloud videos.
*Guest Reader Day
Friday (3/7/25) Theme: Reading Jogs the Mind
Spirit Day: Wear your favorite athletic gear or sweatpants. (school appropriate, please)
Special Activity:
*Guess the Reader - Students will watch daily staff read aloud videos.
*Bookmark Contest (at school). One winner in each grade level. Winners will be announced on Friday.
24-25 Read Across America Book Fair Information Sheet HERE