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We need you! The RCMS PTO is free to join. Sponsorships are available for $10 and include an RCMS JAGS car magnet, an RCMS JAGS wide band bracelet and your child's name listed on the sponsor board. You give us your contact information and tell us how and when you would like to volunteer. We'll share information via email about upcoming events and ways that you can get involved at school. RCMS PTO--Take a GOOD LOOK and GET INVOLVED.
Rockingham County Middle School has an active parent-teacher organization (PTO). Members of this group organize volunteer efforts and fundraisers to provide community support to the school.
Executive officers for the 2024/2025 school year are:
President: Diane Sawyer
Vice President: Meredith Staley
Treasurer: Sherry Rich
Secretary: Jennifer Lester
Admin. Representative: Dr. Jennifer Hardin
Members at Large: TBD
Please contact Diane Sawyer for more information if you would like to become involved in your PTO.