Rockingham County Middle School has a variety of sports programs. Check below for tryout information and schedules.
Try-out Requirements
Physicals must be current by the FIRST day of tryouts for each sport.

All parents of athletes should sign up for a Dragonfly account in order to complete the required forms for Sports Tryouts.
If the school already has a physical copy of the student athlete's sports physical, you do NOT need to upload a copy to Dragonfly. The copy we have on file at school is good for 365 days.
New Information for 2024-2025 Seasons
• The Rockingham County Board of Education approved an annual fee of $40 for each athlete regardless of the number of sports played.
• A student enrolled in the early college, or other school without a sports program will pay the fee at the student’s base sports school.
•No athletic fees will be collected by schools until after tryouts and the coach has placed the student on the team roster.
• Students whose families cannot afford the one-time athletic fee may apply for a hardship. (See Hardship Process for more details.)
• The fee does not guarantee playing time.
• The fee does not guarantee a team’s schedule will include a certain number of contests.
Find out more about the RCS Athletic Fee HERE.
Fall Sports
Boys Soccer
Winter Sports
Girls Basketball
Boys Basketball
Spring Sports
Girls Soccer
Girls and Boys Track