Our Jaguar PRIDE Motto:
P: Preparation
R: Responsibility
I: Integrity
D: Discipline
E: Effort
Rockingham County Middle School wants to provide a safe and positive learning environment for students, teachers, and staff through the implementation of Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) System. In addition, we want to reduce behavior problems that interfere with student learning. PBIS is a school-wide program that will help improve consistency in expected behaviors, resulting in students being ready and prepared to learn.
We have developed a matrix listing the behaviors we expect from all students in all areas of the school and on the school bus. This matrix is located in classrooms and other areas of the building and is also displayed prominently on a hallway bulletin board and in the cafeteria.
The PBIS Program has three tiers:
In Tier 1, core behavior expectations are taught, modeled, and reinforced by all staff in all school settings.
In Tier 2, supplemental interventions are designed for small groups of students not meeting behavioral expectations.
In Tier 3, customized interventions are designed for individuals not meeting behavior expectations.
Jaguar PRIDE Celebrations!
We celebrate positive behavior by having celebrations and extra incentives for individual students and classrooms who demonstrate great PRIDE behavior.
Jaguar PRIDE PAWS Tickets:
Students are able to earn PRIDE tickets on a daily basis from any staff in the school building. Teachers and staff will reinforce appropriate behaviors in our seven common areas by giving students PRIDE PAWS tickets. These tickets are kept and tallied by the last block teacher and can be redeemed for PBIS celebrations throughout the year. Students must earn a designated number of PRIDE PAWS tickets in order to attend a PBIS celebration. If a student receives one bus referral or one classroom referral, additional PRIDE PAWS must be earned to delete the referral and still attend a PBIS celebration.