Our media center operates under a flexible schedule with open circulation all day, beginning at 7:20 for students. The media center is open 7:20 am - 3:15 pm daily and is available outside of those hours upon request.
Schedule and Checkout
Library Schedule
The Williamsburg School library has a fixed/flexible schedule. During the first half of the year, the library's "flex" schedule allows Mrs. Hopkins to collaborate with teachers and students on projects and research, and provide extra opportunities for checking out books. For the second half of the school year, students will come to the library as part of the enhancement rotation. School staff members have access to the media center schedule to assist with allowing students to check out books from the library during the day.
Circulation Procedure
The Williamsburg School library media center has open circulation. Students may check out another book whenever they return the one they have. Children can come to the library daily to return the book they read the night before. The library is open each day for student use and each child, kindergarten through fifth grade, has a library card to use for checkout. Students check their books in and out themselves, using the circulation computers. Students scan their books and place them on the check in carts to return their books. To check out their books, students scan their library cards and then their books at the check out computer. Because they are self-sufficient, students can check out while the librarian is busy with another class.
Circulation Policy
Kindergarten and first grade students may check out one book at a time. Second through fifth grade students may check out two books at a time. Books are checked out for two weeks. Students may renew books if they need more time to read them.
Students are responsible for the books they check out and will be expected to pay for any book that is lost or badly damaged. There is no charge for accidental tears, but it is important that the child report the damage so it can be properly repaired by the librarian.
Volunteers Needed!
Do you have a few minutes to spare? Do you want to help the children and staff of Williamsburg School? The school library is always in need of volunteers. Whether it's ten minutes or two hours, once a week or once in a while, we have something for you to do to help our students. There are always books to shelve and we'll show you how. The sooner we get the books back on the shelves, the easier it is for teachers and students to find the materials they are looking for. There are also many other ways you can help in the library which will impact every one in the school. Come see us!
Media Center Resources
eBook Resources:
Students can log into SORA using their school Google account.
NCKids Overdrive Library:
The North Carolina Legislature and the North Carolina Public Library Directors Association worked together to create the NC Digital Kids E-Book platform for North Carolina students. Students can log into SORA by selecting Rockinham County Public Library and entering their school ID (lunch number) in the library card number box.
In 1986, the Williamsburg School library started an Adopt-a-Book program. Through this program, it is possible to make a donation to the library (a minimum of $10.00) and have a new book placed in the library in honor of whomever you wish. This could be in honor of a child, a birthday, a child's teacher, "graduation" from Williamsburg School, a memorial, etc. Students love to see a book in the library with their name inside. It's also a nice way to remember a teacher at Christmas or during Teacher Appreciation Week. Because books generally cost from $17.00 - $22.00, we must ask for a minimum of $10.00, though more would be greatly appreciated to help cover the cost of the book. Interested? Contact Mrs. Hopkins.
Book Fair
The Williamsburg School Library holds two book fairs a year to raise money to purchase books and other materials for the library.
NC Wise Owl: