Check out our new RCS website and school websites!
6 months ago, Rockingham County Schools
rcs new website post
Rockingham County Schools is now on Instagram!
6 months ago, Sean Gladieux
rcs now on instagram
View the image to find out about an opportunity to receive free school supplies for your child.
7 months ago, South End Elementary
School supplies giveaway
Even though this meeting is being held at Moss Street, we encourage parents and community members to come out to continue advocating for a new South End school building.
7 months ago, South End Elementary
2nd Reidsville Elementary Option Meeting - August 6, 6:30 at Moss Street Elementary
Join South End Staff on Saturday, August 24th from 11:30-2:00 at the Reidsville Walmart to help Stuff the Bus with school supplies for Rockingham County Schools' students!
7 months ago, South End Elementary
Information about RCS Summer Feeding Sites.
7 months ago, South End Elementary
RCS Summer Meal Sites
Check out the Summer Reading Program at the RCS Parent Resource Center!
7 months ago, South End Elementary
Summer Reading at RCS Parent Resource Centee