Student Health Center

The Student Health Center provides a number of services for the students here at RHS.                    

Office Hours: Monday thru Friday 7:30 a.m.- 4:00 pm School Days 

Students must have a signed consent form by a Parent/Guardian to  be seen by the Nurse on Duty.


The Health care students receive at the Student Health Center is kept confidential. Except for immunizations, the services provided do not become part of the school record. 

*All enrolled students will receive health care regardless of their insurance status or ability to pay. 

Services Provided

Treatment for Minor Illnesses and Injuries: Colds, flu, sprains, muscle pulls, and other needs

Treatment & Monitoring for Chronic Conditions: Under the direction of the student's primary doctor, such as asthma, diabetes, hypertension and others

Health Assessment: 

  • Sports Physicals

  • Personal Health Appraisals

  • Dental Screening Services

  • Nutritional Services

Health Screening: Blood Pressure, Vision, Body Mass Index (BMI), Height/Weight, TB Testing  

Medications: Non-Prescription medications are available to treat students for headaches, common cold/cough, allergies, menstrual, cramps, sore throat, injuries, toothaches, upset stomach.  

Health History: A preventive health and history screening will be obtained on students enrolled in the health center. 

Immunizations: TB, Tetanus Boosters, MMR, Hepatitis B Vaccine , Hepatitis A, Varicella (chicken pox), Meningitis Vaccine, Gardasil (HPV) Vaccine

Laboratory Screenings: Tests to diagnose common illnesses such as strep throat infection 

Mental Health Assessments: Counseling and referral, abuse and violence intervention, substance abuse intervention including a mental health counselor on-site one day per week

Social Work Services: Including assessment, intervention and referral 

Educational Programs: Nutrition, smoking cessation, diabetes, abstinence, substance abuse, mental health, anger and stress management, grief counseling, and others as needed


Questions and Answers:

Q: What is a school-based health center?

A: It is a health center located in the school and staffed by health professionals. Students can receive physical and mental health care services. ​

Q: Where do I take my child when the Student Health Center(SHC) is closed?

A: When the SHC is not open students with Carolina Access or any other insurance should receive 24 hour coverage from their primary care provider (PCP) in a non-emergency situation. the emergency room should only be used in emergency. ​

Q: Who makes up the SHC?

A: The center is staffed by as team of professionals trained in student health: RN, Social Workers, Mental Health, Physicians, Physician Assistant, Nurse Practitioners, Nutritionist and Health Educators. 

Q: Can my child be treated at the SHC without my permission?

A: Students under 18 can receive services at the center only if a parent or guardian signs a permission form. The only exception to this rule is an incident when emergency medical care is needed. In that event, the principal may authorize emergency care for a student​

Any more questions?

Call Tara Pruett 

Director of Student Health

(336) 623-9711 ext. 2334

For more information, or to access downloadable forms, click here to visit the RCS Student Health page.