Registration forms for grades Kindergarten through fifth grade linked below:
Packets are available at the school or can be printed from the links below.
Complete and return the forms to the school via: returning registration packet to the school, or email to: Email Registration Forms, or fax to: (336) 548-6442. Please call the school at 336-548-2472 if you have any questions.
First through Fifth Grade please complete all forms except Kindergarten Reading Questionnaire. If your child is transferring from another NC public school, the health assessment will not need to be completed.
Kindergarten parents please complete ALL listed forms. Child must be 5 years of age on or before August 31 of the current year.
Copies of the following required documents will be needed:
Birth Certificate (certified copy)
Current and Up-to-date Immunization Record
Proof of Residence (Copy of water/electric bill or copy of rental agreement showing the parent name and physical address)
Parent's Drivers' License