
group of students and the teacher wearing shirts that says "I like big books"

Clubs & Activities

On this page you will find information about clubs, activities and events. We offer the following clubs and activities. More information will be coming soon, so check back often for updates.

Soaring Eagles Breakfast

  • Each month teachers will select students who have done an exceptional job of exemplifying one element of our PBIS "SOAR" Matrix. On the last Friday of the month, these students will be invited to have a breakfast snack in the library. They will be recognized, get to hear the great things their teacher has to say about them and receive a certificate. We will send their pictures to parents over Class Dojo!​

PBIS Program

  • PBIS (Positive Behavior Interventions & Supports) is a systematic approach to promoting positive behavior in our school.  By teaching students our expectations and acknowledging when they do the right thing, we are able to focus more on preventing negative behaviors rather than punishment.  At Wentworth, our expectations all revolve around the acronym SOAR: Show Kindness, Observe Safety, Always Respectful, and Responsible and Ready.  β€‹

Battle of the Books

  • Elementary Battle of the Books (EBOB) is an optional program for students in 4th and 5th grade. Students read 15 books from a predetermined list, together and ​at home, and come together to participate in a competition in which they demonstrate their knowledge of the books read. 

Good News Club

  • The Good News Club is sponsored by the Child Evangelism Fellowship Program and meets every Monday from 2:30 to 3:40 PM on full days of school. It is sponsored by the Child Evangelism Fellowship Program. The program is entirely optional and teaches character qualities from the Bible through songs, stories, and games. β€‹