Weekly Announcement

Sunday December 15th, 2024

Greetings Raider Nation,

This week is Spirit Week

Monday- Red and Green Day

Tuesday- Grinch Day

Wednesday- Twin Day

Thursday - Throwback day (6th grade 60s , 7th grade 70s, 8th grade 80s)

Friday- Pajama Day

Please be sure all attire is school appropriate. Students may be asked to change if clothing violates the dress code.

8th Grade Families ~ On Monday, please be on the lookout for a Showcase of Programs booklet that is designed to help students prepare for their transition to Reidsville High School if your child did not receive one during our home basketball game last Thursday.

Athletics ~This week in Sports Wrestling will be hosting matches on Monday against Dillard and Thursday against Rockingham. On Thursday Basketball will be on the road against Rockingham.

Attention 6th grade Parents.

On February 21st. The 6th grade will be going on a Field trip to the Discovery Place-Science in Charlotte, NC. Students will take home permission slips Monday, December 16th. Students MUST meet the following criteria beginning Monday, December 16th in order to attend:

Attendance: no more than 3 absences.

Behavior: no write ups at all (minors/majors)

Grades C(70) or higher

ALL students will need to be dropped off at Reidsville Middle School in the Car Lot by 7:00 AM. Buses will LEAVE promptly at 7:30 AM, NO EXCEPTIONS.

ALL students will need to be picked up at Reidsville Middle School at 4:00 PM.

ALL monies and permission slips have to be turned in NO LATER THAN January 20th, no exceptions. Students will not be attending if money AND permission slips are not turned in by January 20, 2024.