School Improvement

G.S. §115C-47 (38) mandates local boards to ensure that each principal establishes a school improvement team (SIT) in compliance with G.S. §115C-105.27 (a).

According to G.S. §115C-105.27 (a), schools are required to form a School Improvement Team to create a plan aimed at improving student performance. The composition of the SIT must include:

  • The principal of the school

  • Representatives from the assistant principals

  • Representatives from instructional personnel

  • Representatives from instructional support personnel

  • Representatives from teacher assistants assigned to the building

  • Representatives from parents of children enrolled in the school

Representatives from assistant principals, instructional personnel, instructional support personnel, and teacher assistants must be elected by their respective groups through a secret ballot. Participation in the school improvement planning process by these personnel is a legal requirement.

Adapted from: North Carolina School Improvement Planning Implementation Guide

Review our School Improvement Plan

To access our School Improvement Plan, please visit
Username: GuestS17184
Password: GuestS17184

Please share your feedback!

We would love your feedback on our School Improvement Plan! Please fill out our survey form to help us make decisions for our school.

2024-2025 School Improvement Feedback Survey

Proficiency and Growth

RHS did not meet expected proficiency and growth during the 2023-2024 year.  However, our students' and staff's hard work is reflected in the following areas:  

  • Our graduate rate improved by 6.3 percentage points. 

  • Our Students with Disabilities, English Language Learners, Hispanics, and female subgroups showed positive proficiency gains in Math I.  

  • Our female and Black subgroups showed gains in math course rigor proficiency. 

  • The Hispanic, Black, Economically Disadvantaged, and English Language Learner subgroups increased proficiency in Math 3.  

  • Our male and multi-racial subgroups demonstrated an increase in proficiency in Biology. 

  • In English II our Economically Disadvantaged and Black subgroups grew in proficiency. 

2024-2025 Low Performing Designation- English and Spanish

RHS 2024-2025 _ATSI Parent Notification

Fall Testing Letter 2024-2025

RHS Inclement Weather Remote Learning

RHS 2024-2025 Spring Release Form