Procedures & Policies

We are appreciative of the support parents and community members provide for our school and school programs. We invite everyone to get involved and provide help and resources to make McMichael High School the best we can be!


Parents who wish to speak directly to teachers must call ahead to the secretary or counselor to set up an appointment. Parents/legal guardians of students are welcome in the school for the purpose of communicating with the principal or teachers, serving as volunteers to the school in the interest of improving the instructional programs, and for other legitimate business within the scope of school-home relations.  Likewise, other members of the general public are welcome in our school when on legitimate business. Any parent or other member of the general public, who is not an employee of the school system, or a student in the school system must report directly to the main office and state the purpose of being in the school. Loitering or unauthorized visiting will not be allowed during school hours. FOR SAFETY and LEGAL REASONS, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, friends, etc., are NOT to visit during school hours.

Arrival and Departure Times of Students 

All bus riders will arrive in the Gym parking lot.  Students who arrive and depart in cars should be dropped off and picked up in the Humanities or Whitcomb parking lots. NO student should be dropped off or picked up in the circle in front of the library. Parents should pull into a parking space when dropping off and picking up a student.

Students are not to loiter on the Rockingham Community College campus after school unless involved in a school-related activity under the direct supervision of a staff member.  Unless participating in a school activity, no student should be on the Rockingham Community College campus after 2:30 PM

Daily Attendance and Tardy Procedure

If a student is not present at 8:50, that student will be marked absent.  If a student comes in after 8:50, the student must sign in with the main office staff located on the top floor of the James Library building.

Students will follow RCS tardy policy outlined in the RCS student handbook on pages 5 – 6.

Sign Out Procedure - Students

Students leaving school during the day must:

  1. Have a note from their parent or guardian.

    1. The note must be presented to the office staff at the beginning of the day.  

    2. An early dismissal note from the office should be presented to the student’s teacher at the approved dismissal time.  

    3. Students leaving without parents/guardians will only be released once verified by a phone call to the parent/guardian.

  2. Parents/guardians who need to pick up a student will sign out the student in the main office.

    1. Only approved people on the Student Information Sheet are allowed to pick up the student. (Unless prior approval has been verified)

    2. A picture ID, government or state issued, must be presented when signing a student out.  

    3. If a student returns that same day, he or she needs to sign back in at the front office.

Telecommunications Policy


The use of the Internet is a privilege, not a right, and inappropriate use of this privilege will result in the cancellation of that privilege. Students are responsible for the educational, ethical, and legal use of their own accounts and materials obtained through Internet and other electronic networks. The student exercising his/her privilege to use the Internet as an educational resource shall also accept the responsibility for all material received through his/her account.


All Internet access will be filtered. Network accounts are to be used only by the owner of the account. Students are required to keep ID/Password confidential. 

Students should be aware that electronic mail is not guaranteed to be private. System operators have access to all mail. Student access to e-mail will be filtered accounts monitored by the instructor.

A student has the responsibility to report to his/her teacher all violations of security to his/her account. Messages relating to or in support of illegal or unethical activities will be reported to the authorities.

Approval is required from the student's instructor prior to subscribing to a newsgroup and/or list from the network.

Students are not to give out personal information such as a home address or phone number to anyone via electronic networks.

Any use of the network for commercial gain or profit is prohibited.

Students will accept responsibility for keeping copyrighted software of any kind from illegally entering the school over electronic networks.

Students will accept the responsibility for keeping all inappropriate files or files dangerous to the integrity of the network from entering the school through the Internet. 


Students will use proper network etiquette. The use of inappropriate language or harassment is not acceptable. Appropriate bibliographic citations must be given for all information obtained through electronic networks. Students are to limit their pursuit of information through electronic sources to curriculum-related activities.

Vandalism will result in immediate cancellation of user privileges and possible restitution.


The Board of Education recognizes that electronic resources of all types are becoming a vital part of an up-to-date education for our students whom we are preparing to become technologically literate citizens. It is the goal of the schools to offer students the opportunity to examine a broad range of options and ideas in the educational process, including the privilege to locate, use and exchange information and ideas on the Internet and other electronic networks.

The ultimate responsibility for a student's actions in using the Internet and e-mail rests with the student and his/her parents(s)/legal guardians. Parents/legal guardians have the option of requesting that their child not be provided with access to the Internet. To exercise this option, parents must sign the Parental Request to Restrict Access, which is available in the student handbook.