Not your grandfather's math
Rockingham County High School's Math Department is on the cutting edge of instruction. With a staff that continues to find new ways to reach students, the department regularly meets or exceeds the scores established for their end of course tests. The staff has dedicated themselves to giving long hours in order to give our students every opportunity to better themselves. Whether it is through after school tutorial sessions in the computer labs or teacher web sites, the math department maintains very high standards for their students. Students are required to earn four credits in math for graduation and one unit must be Math I.
Listed below are the members of the math department and the math courses offered at RCHS.
Instructors: Heather Visaya and Jodi Troxler.
Math Courses
Intro to Math Fundamentals
Math I
Math II
Math II Honors
Math III
Math III Honors
Math IV
Advanced Functions and Modeling
Discrete Math Honors
Pre-Calculus Honors
Advanced Placement Calculus Honors