Career & Technical Education
Hands on experience for 21st century jobs.
Listed below are the Career and Technical Education instructors and the CTE courses offered at RCHS by department.
Rockingham County High School's Career and Technical Education Department offers a wide selection of courses that allow students the opportunity to investigate a wide variety of work ready courses. Currently students in the Common Core Course of study are encouraged to complete a pathway of four related courses with one being a second level course. The second level course is called the completer course. Students that complete a pathway with a completer course leave high school with skills that enable them to enter into the work force. Rockingham County's Career and Technical Education programs consistently score well above the state goal for students mastering the objectives of the courses.
Business Courses
Instructors: Thomas Sladky and Facio Visaya
Sports and Entertainment Marketing I and II
Microsoft Word
Adobe Design
Principles of Business
Career Management
Allied Health Science Courses
Instructor: Jessica Belcher
Health Sciences I and II
Nursing Fundamentals
Health Team Relations
Family and Consumer Sciences Courses
Instructors: Ashley Clowers
Apparel and Textile Development I and II
Foods I: Fundamentals
Foods II: Advanced
Automotive Technology Courses
Instructor: Derrick Shelton
Intro to Automotive
Auto I
Auto II
Agricultural Science/Horticulture Courses
Instructors: Taylor Apple and Rosalina Webster
Agricultural Science Applications
Animal Science I and II
Agriculture Mechanics I and II
Horticulture I and II
Technical Drafting Courses
Instructor: Whitney Carter-Smith
-Intro to Design
-Drafting One
-Drafting Two Architectural Honors
-Drafting Three Architectural Honors
Public Safety/Law & Justice
Instructor: Ray Joyce
Public Safety
Law and Justice