Our School

Teachers and students at school

About Douglass Elementary

The new Douglass Elementary School broke ground May 10, 2010. The building is 77,442 square feet and the estimated cost at the time of construction was $14.5 million. Douglass meets silver LEED certification and has a state-of-the-art central heating and cooling system.

Douglass Elementary School
408 Price Street,  Eden, NC 27288
Phone: 336-623-6521
Fax: 336-627-2781

Office Hours: 7:00-4:00 
Student Hours: 7:45-2:45

Grades Served: Pre K-5
Mascot: Eagle
Colors: Blue and White

Administrative Staff
Lauryn Duncan, Principal
Janear Johnson, Data Manager
Taylor Murray, Bookkeeper/Secretary
Ramona Trantham, Administrative Assistant

School Report Card 2022-2023

315 Students
215 White
72 African-American
87 Other

Beliefs & Pledge

Vision Statement

"Our school empowers all students to embrace learning, to excel and achieve their personal best and own their future."

Mission Statement

"At Douglass, our mission is to provide a safe and positive learning environment where the staff, and school community work together to prepare all students to become productive citizens and life-long learners with the necessary 21st Century Skills to succeed in a diverse and changing world."

Learn More about Douglass

We are a Title I school. View our Title I/Student Handbook. 

Access Our Title I Parent and Family Engagement Policy.