Only have 2-4 hours per day? Have you considered being a school bus driver? Rockingham County Schools has full and part-time positions and more information can be found at the link: https://rockinghamnc.ted.peopleadmin.com/hire/index.aspx

Having difficultly locating your school menu? Here are simple instructions of how to find school menus - https://5il.co/2vdj7

Having difficulty finding your school menu? Please use this link containing instructions on how to find your school's dining options on our new websites!

RCS is experiencing technical issues with our bus application EDULOG and we are working on the issues. We will continue to provide updates as they are available and appreciate your patience & understanding.

We are so excited to welcome back our students tomorrow morning as we kick off the 2024-2025 school year!

Today is the last day for the RCS 2024 STUFF the BUS at our Walmart Supercenters in Eden, Mayodan and Reidsville on August 23 & 24 from 9am-6pm!

Welcome back students! RCS has been preparing for your return and cannot wait to see you Monday!!

Join RCS for our 2024 STUFF the BUS at our Walmart Supercenters in Eden, Mayodan and Reidsville tomorrow and Saturday from 9am-6pm!

We look forward to our RCS Stuff the Bus!

If you have heard about the new mobile app for Rockingham County! It's everything Rockingham County Schools, on your cell phone ! Download for Android https://aptg.co/9zZcST Download for iPhone https://aptg.co/jdBYx3

Join RCS for our 2024 STUFF the BUS at our Walmart Supercenters in Eden, Mayodan and Reidsville on August 23 & 24 from 9am-6pm!

Due to the inclement weather from Tropical Storm Debby, Rockingham County Schools will be closed today, August 9th. Day care will be open and operate on schedule. All athletics and school activities can resume at 12:00pm today.

RCS will operate on our normal schedule with no closings, delays or cancellations for August 9th. All school activities and athletics will operate on their normal schedule as well.

In anticipation of hazardous weather conditions from Tropical Storm Debby and out of an abundance of caution, all Rockingham County Schools will be closed Thursday, August 8th. All school activities, child care, and summer feeding & meal distributions are cancelled as well.

RCS and our government, business and community partners welcomed DOE Secretary Jennifer Granholm who announced a grant award of $7.8 million for our RCS energy efficiency and improvement projects!

Check out our new RCS website and school websites!

Rockingham County Schools is now on Instagram!