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and Reports

This page provides links to data and statistics collected for Rockingham County Schools.


RCS Testing Results

It is not about perfect. It is about EFFORT and when your bring that EFFORT every single day, that is where transformation happens.  That is how change occurs. - Jillian Michaels

RCS 2020-21 Testing Results

Click here to view detailed North Carolina State results and to drill down to results for RCS!


RCS 2018-19 Testing Results

Click here to view detailed North Carolina State results and to drill down to results for RCS!

RCS 2017-18 Test Results

Click here to view detailed North Carolina State results and to drill down to results for RCS!

RCS 2016-17 Testing Results

Click here to view detailed North Carolina State results and to drill down to results for RCS!

RCS Financial Annual Report

The RCS Financial Annual Report provides the report of an independent auditor regarding the district's finances.


Click here to view the RCS Financial Annual Report.


NC ABCs of Public Education - reports through the 2011-12 school year

The ABCs was North Carolina’s comprehensive plan to improve public schools that is based on three goals: strong local accountability, an emphasis on student mastery of basic skills, and as much local control as possible. The ABCs was  in operation in all schools from 1998-2012. The model focused on schools meeting growth expectations for student achievement as well as on the overall percentage of students who scored at or above grade level. The model used end-of-grade tests in grades 3-8 in reading and mathematics to measure growth at the elementary and middle school levels and end-of-course tests to measure growth at the high school level and at the middle school level where appropriate.


Click here to view past ABC reports.


Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) - reports through the 2010-11 school year 

Required under the federal No Child Left Behind law, AYP provided another way to measure school performance. To meet AYP, a school had to meet target goals for each group of students that numbers 40 or more. Target goals were set annually by the state for reading and mathematics at grades 3-8 and 10, and for attendance rates or graduation rates as well. AYP was an all-or-nothing model. If a school missed one target, it did not make AYP. The long-term goal of AYP was to have every school at 100 percent student proficiency by 2013-14.


Click here to view past AYP Reports.



Annual Measurable Objectives (AMO) - reports starting with the 2011-12 school year 

The U.S. Department of Education announced in late May 2012 that North Carolina was granted flexibility from some of the long-standing requirements of No Child Left Behind (NCLB). North Carolina’s waivers allow the state to move away from the Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) measure that was a “one-size-fits-all measure” which required all school subgroups reach 100 percent proficiency by 2014. Under the ruling, North Carolina is able to focus on rewarding those schools making improvement and distributing resources to help all schools move forward. The waivers afforded North Carolina the important flexibility needed in order to proceed with efforts to improve schools and support opportunities to close achievement gaps and improve learning for students.

No Child Left Behind divides students into ten subgroups: 1) School as a Whole (all students), 2) White, 3) Black, 4) Hispanic, 5) Native American, 6) Asian, 7) Multiracial, 8) Economically Disadvantaged Students, 9) Limited English Proficient Students, and 10) Students with Disabilities. 

While schools will still be measured against Annual Measurable Objectives (AMOs) calculated and reported under NCLB, it will no longer require 100 percent proficiency for each subgroup. Because the law, which in 2012 was more than four years overdue for Congressional reauthorization, required a 100 percent proficiency target for every group of students, it virtually guaranteed that most schools eventually would be labeled as failing. The new AMOs provide a specific achievement target for each subgroup. The number of targets a school has depends on its varied student population. In order for a school to meet their AMOs, a) every subgroup must meet their specific achievement target in both reading and mathematics, b) schools must have at least a 95% participation rate in the assessments for each area, c) elementary and middle schools must meet their attendance target goal, and d) high schools must meet their graduation rate target goals for each subgroup.

Click here to view the AMO Report.


Reports of Disaggregated School System and School Data

Student performance data by student subgroup for two years including the number of students at or above grade level (Level III), the number of valid scores, and the percent at or above Level III on end-of-grade (EOG), end-of-course (EOC), Grade 10, and alternate assessments.


Click here to view reports on disaggregated school system and school data (96/97 - 12/13).

Click here to view reports on disaggregated school system system and school data (13/14 - future).


NC School Report Cards

NC School Report Cards include student performance, class size, school safety, and teacher quality data.


Click here to view the report card for any of our Rockingham County schools.


Attendance and Membership Data

Average Daily Attendance (ADA), Average Daily Membership (ADM), and Membership Last Day (MLD) figures by LEA.


Click here to view Attendance and Membership Data.

Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT) Report

The SAT, which is often taken by high school juniors and seniors as a precursor to college/university admission, assesses a student’s verbal and mathematical skills. The SAT Report provides annual reports of state and school district SAT test performance.


Click here to view the SAT Report.


Drop-out Rate Report

Annual dropout reports inform education professionals about the numbers and rates of dropouts and the reasons for dropping out. Dropout counts and rates are disaggregated by the school system, grade, gender, and ethnicity.


Click here to view the Drop-out Rate Report.


Graduation Rate Report 

The Four-Year Cohort Graduation Rate reflects the percentage of ninth graders (their cohort) who graduated from high school four years later.


Click here to view the Graduation Rate Report.


School Crime and Discipline Report

Annual reports on School Crime, Violence, Suspensions, Expulsions


Click here to view the School Crime and Discipline Report.


Summary Reports on Educator Effectiveness - reports starting with the 2011-12 school year

The online data reports help parents, educators and others view data that reflects the effectiveness of instruction in their child’s school.  Reports are not individual reports but, by district or school, of overall teacher and administrator (principals/assistant principals) performance.


Click here to view the Summary Reports on Educator Effectiveness.


RCS 10 Day Report, Principal Monthly Report and Race/Gender Reports

Rockingham County Schools attendance for the 1st 10 days, reports regarding student enrollment and race/gender reports.


Click here to view the RCS Summary Data Reports.

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 Rockingham County Schools

 511 Harrington Highway

 Eden, North Carolina 27288

 Phone:  (336) 627-2600  

 Fax:  (336) 627-2660

 Superintendent's E-mail:

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