School Age Childcare
Fees for School Age Childcare
Annual Registration Fee is $30.00
Annual Supply Fee is $25.00
Before School Care:
$20.00/week full time care status or
$12.00/week part-time care status or
$5.00/day as needed
After School Care:
$40.00/week full time care status or
$24.00/week part-time care status or
$10.00/day as needed
Teacher Workdays:
$17.00/day full time or part-time care status
$20.00/day as needed
Delayed Openings are an additional $4.50 for part-time/full time morning care status and additional $10.00 for all others as needed.
Service Status:
a. Full time (Monday through Friday)
b. Part-time (3 days per week)
c. As needed (Occasionally)
All Fees Are Non-refundable
The Before and After School Care Program is self-supported by parent fees.