School Improvement
The Lincoln Elementary School Improvement Team (SIT) consists of dedicated representatives collaborating to foster continuous growth and advancement at our school. This team includes teacher representatives from every grade level, support staff, and parents, all of whom are committed to the school's success. Elected by our staff, the team convenes monthly to discuss, develop, and implement our School Improvement Plan, with an emphasis on initiatives and programs aimed at enhancing the school environment.
School Improvement Plan
You can find our School Improvement Plan on the Indistar website, a web-based platform designed to assist our school in monitoring and managing its continuous improvement efforts. The plan is updated regularly, and you can access it through the link and information provided below.
Link to Indistar
Login Information
Username - GuestS17179
Password - GuestS17179
We would like to hear your feedback:
Leadership Team
The following members represent our School Leadership Team for 2024-2025:
Principal- Jennifer Poe
Assistant Principal- N/A
IC/AIG- Cher Adkins
Classified Staff Rep- Sandra Pruitt
Parent Rep- Kacie Atkins
Kindergarten Rep- Shannon Land
Counselor - Martha Cadarette
Intervention Specialist - Mindy Harmon
Enhancements/Media - Kelly LaPrade
EC - Kelly Self
1st Grade Rep- Traci Conkle
2nd Grade Rep- Megan Nance
3rd Grade Rep- Jennifer Lovelace
4th Grade Rep- Kelly Hancock
5th Grade Rep- Allison Glaspie
Meeting Dates and Location
Our School Leadership Team (SIT) holds monthly meetings that are open to the public, and all are welcome to attend. However, certain meetings may include closed sessions to discuss matters related to school safety and security. Meeting dates are subject to change based on additional sessions or weather conditions.
Currently Scheduled SIT Meetings (tentative to change)