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Federal Programs


Rockingham County Schools receives funding from the Federal government to administer programs under its mandate.  The primary goal of Federal Programs is to improve student achievement through increased parental involvement, teacher training, and student services. Program pages can be accessed below. 

Title I

Title I, Parent Right to Know

Parents have a right to know:

Title I schools must meet federal regulations related to teacher qualifications and state assessments as defined in the ESEA (Elementary and Secondary Education Act) and ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act). 

At a minimum, if a parent requests it, parents have a right to know: 

  • Whether the teacher has met state qualifying and licensing criteria for the grade levels and subject areas in which the teacher is teaching;

  • If their child is being taught by someone who is not "highly qualified" and will be in that position for four or more weeks

  • Information on the level of achievement of their child and assessment schedule.

  • The school's parent policy and have input in the decisions that make up the school's policy

  • How your child's school is performing.

These and other communications with parents must be in an understandable and uniform format and, to the extent practical, in a language the parents can understand. According to ED guidance, if there is no other way to provide information, it should be provided in oral translation.

Requests must be in writing to the principal.

This applies only to Title I schools.

The Title I Annual Parents Right to Know Notification is included in each of the district’s title I school’s Title I parent handbook.  This handbook describes a parent's right to know and other Title I information about the school.  More information about Title I can be found at North Carolina Department of Public Instruction’s Federal Programs Website under Parent and Family Engagement.

For more information on how your child's school is performing, please visit Access to North Carolina School Report Cards. This report is usually released in the fall (Oct-Dec) of each school year by the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction (NCDPI). 

We appreciate your support and partnership as we work to provide the best education for your child. If you have any questions regarding the above information, please contact your school's principal.

Title I, Part A

Basic Information about Title I 

Title I, the cornerstone of the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB), is the largest federal education program.  Its intent is to help ensure that all children have the opportunity to obtain a high quality education and reach proficiency on challenging State academic content and performance standards.  

Title I began with the passage of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) of 1965, which provided federal funding for high-poverty schools to help students who are behind academically and at risk of falling behind.  Services can include hiring reading specialists, tutors, technology assistants and additional teachers to reduce class size; purchasing instructional equipment, materials and supplies; providing parental training sessions; extending the school day and providing professional learning.  The intent of Title I is now carried forward with the passage of the ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act) in 2016-2017.

Funding supports Title I Schoolwide programs and Targeted Assistance programs, depending on the level of students that receive free- and reduced-price lunch in the school and how the school wants to function.  The district has flexibility in determining the poverty level for qualifying schools to receive Title I funding.  The minimum federal requirement is 40% of students receiving free- or reduced-price lunch.  Schools receiving Title I funds have also gone through a one-year planning process.  Schoolwide programs have flexibility in using their Title I funds, in conjunction with other funds in the school, to upgrade the operation of the entire school.  Schoolwide programs must conduct a comprehensive needs assessment, identify and commit to specific goals and strategies that address those needs, create a comprehensive plan and conduct an annual review of the effectiveness of the Schoolwide program that is revised as needed.  


School-wide Programs:
  • Plan for comprehensive, long-term improvement

  • Serve all students with highly qualified teachers and paraprofessionals

  • Provide continuous learning for staff, parents and the community

  • Use research-based and evidence-based practices to develop and implement effective instruction for all students

  • Use inclusive approaches to strengthen the school’s organizational structure

  • Consolidate resources to achieve program goals

  • Engage in continuous self-assessment and improvement through the NCStar school improvement platform


Ten of the elementary schools in Rockingham County have been designated as Title I Schoolwide Programs as well as two of the middle schools and one high school (see below for Title I School List).  All of these schools present a qualifying population of 55% or higher in elementary and 75% or higher in secondary schools.  A schoolwide program allows additional resources that may be provided to all students however, those students who are in danger of failing to meet state standards will receive priority status for additional instructional resources. Strategies implemented in Title I schools include reading instruction based on the Science of Reading, including small group Literacy & Reading instruction using Decodable Books, Leveled Literacy Intervention, Wilson Reading and Fundations, Self Selected Reading.  Other instructional initiatives include Math Foundations, instructional technology integration, and the utilization of data through professional learning communities of educators to strengthen instruction and positively impact student achievement.  Computerized programs such as Discovery Education, Achieve3000, iReady, and Step-Up Math and Reading Series are utilized to support teaching and learning.


Title I School List:
  • Bethany Elementary

  • Central Elementary

  • John W. Dillard Academy

  • Douglass Elementary

  • Dalton McMichael High School

  • Holmes Middle School

  • Huntsville Elementary

  • Leaksville-Spray Elementary

  • Lincoln Elementary

  • Monroeton Elementary

  • Morehead High School

  • Moss Street Elementary

  • Reidsville Middle School 

  • Reidsville High School

  • South End Elementary

  • Stoneville Elementary

  • Wentworth Elementary

  • Western Rockingham Middle School

  • Williamsburg Elementary


Non-Public Schools Equitable Services

Rockingham County Schools are in the process of preparing Federal Projects for the 2023-2024 school year.  These projects include Title I, Title II, Title III, Title IV and Migrant Education.  

Please call Cathy Stadler at Rockingham County Schools at 336-627-2680 if you have questions or are interested in learning more about these Federal Funds.

Components of Title I

All Title I schools must complete a comprehensive needs assessment that drives all aspects of school operations.

  • School reform strategies must be implemented to address the identified needs.

  • All instructional staff, including paraprofessionals must be highly qualified according to the criteria set by ESSA.

  • There must be high quality and ongoing professional development for staff to  address the needs of the school.

  • There must be strategies in place to recruit highly qualified teachers and place them in areas of greatest need.

  • Family engagement is a critical and integral part of day-to-day operations in a Title I school.

  • Strategies are in place to aid in the transitions between academic grade levels, as well as school levels, i.e., pre-school to kindergarten, elementary to middle, and middle to high school.

  • Teachers are actively involved in the use of assessments and instructional decisions are driven by data analysis.

  • Title I schools develop specific instructional activities for students identified with the greatest needs.

  • Title I schools coordinate and integrate resources and services from federal, state and local sources.

Parent Involvement in Title I


Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Requirements

ESSA describes the parents’ right to be involved in Title I and requires that, “…programs,activities, and procedures shall be planned and implemented with meaningful consultation with parents of participating children.” Federal law mandates that Title I schools include parents in the school improvement process and on the school improvement team.


Rockingham County Title I Parent Involvement Policy

Rockingham County has adopted a district wide Title I Parent Involvement Policy (Policy code 1320/3560) that can be accessed by returning to the home site and clicking on Board of Education.  The fourth item below list board policies.  This can be accessed by clicking on the words "board policy" and do a search with these number codes. 


Each Title I school listed below provides to parents at the beginning of each school year a copy of the Title I Parent Involvement Policy for Rockingham County Schools in their student handbook. These handbooks provide parents with information regarding their rights as a parent of a child attending a Title I School and how that benefits their student.  Each school provides a number of informational parent nights and parent/student/teacher activities including their Annual Public Meeting that are designed to assist in creating and fostering relationships between home and school in order to best meet the needs of each child.  Each spring the schools survey parents in order to determine how to continue to best meet the needs of students and families in the communities they serve. That information is examined and discussed by the School Improvement Teams of each school.  Based on the results, schools may determine goals for the upcoming school year that will address any concerns or issues that present themselves through the data.  In addition, the Title I Program for Rockingham County supports the two Parent Resource Centers, one in Eden and one in Reidsville. 

Should you have any questions about the Parent Involvement Policy for Rockingham County Schools, you may contact Mrs. June Nealy, Director of Elementary Education/Title I at (336) 627-2680.

Complaint Procedures

As required by the Elementary and Secondary Act of 1965.


Background Information

Section 9304(a)(3)(C) of the Elementary and Secondary Act of 1965 requires states to adopt written procedures for the receipt and resolution of complaints alleging violations of law in the administration of the programs in P.L. 107-110.  North Carolina State Board of Education policy #EEO-E-001 outlines the procedures to be followed in resolving complaints alleging violations of requirements of the Elementary and Secondary Act of 1965 . 

The State Board’s complaint resolution policy can be viewed by going to the NCSBE Policy Manual Table of Contents at Click on “EEO Series” to access the Effective and Efficient Operations policies. Click on “EEO-E” to access the federal programs policies. Click on policy “EEO-E-001” to view the State Board’s policy on resolution of complaints for federal programs.

To learn more about the Elementary and Secondary Act of 1965, go to the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction’s website at or the U. S. Department of Education’s website at

Major Programs Included in the Elementary and Secondary Act of 1965:

Title I Programs.png

Individuals filing complaints must include the following written information:

  • The name of school system, school, or school system employee alleged to have violated a specific federal requirement in the Elementary and Secondary Act of 1965;

  • The specific requirement alleged to have been violated;

  • The facts on which the complaint is based; and

  • What you expect the resolution of the alleged violation to be.


Complaints, which must be signed by the person(s) filing the complaint, are to be sent to:

Office of the State Superintendent
North Carolina Department of Public Instruction
6301 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-6301

Written complaints will be forwarded to the appropriate North Carolina Department of Public Instruction staff member for review and response.  If additional information is needed, the staff member assigned to review the complaint will contact the person alleging the violation of federal requirements in the Elementary and Secondary Act of 1965.  For this reason, a telephone number or e-mail address of the person alleging the violation must be included with the complaint.  Failure to provide a telephone number or e-mail address mail result in the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction not being able to adequately respond to the complaint.

Complaint Resolution

Complaints will be responded to within 60 days of receipt, unless an extension is needed because of extenuating circumstances.  Complainants will be notified if an extension will be needed and the reasons for the extension.  The written resolution will include:

  • A summary of the facts;

  • A statement of the federal requirements involved;

  • The North Carolina Department of Public Instruction’s finding of fact and a summary of the evidence it considered;

  • The North Carolina Department of Public Instruction’s conclusions regarding each allegation and a summary of the reasons for these conclusions; and

  • The North Carolina Department of Public Instruction’s order for any technical assistance, negotiation, or corrective action that must occur and when these actions must occur.


The written resolution will be mailed to the complainant and the superintendent or charter school lead administrator against whom the allegations were made.

Preliminary Steps

Every effort should be made to resolve the issue at the local level before filing a formal complaint with the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction.  This can include meeting with the principal, central office staff, or local board of education to address the alleged violation.  Only once all local remedies have been exhausted should a formal complaint be submitted to the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction.

Migrant Education

Title I, Part C: Migrant Education


Sowing Seeds of Opportunity for the “Harvest of Hope”

401 Moss St., Reidsville, NC 27320 - (336) 349-5476 Office

Migrant Education Program

Programa de Educación para Migrantes

Mission: The mission of the North Carolina and Rockingham County Migrant Education Program is to help migrant students and youth meet high academic challenges by overcoming the obstacles created by frequent moves, educational disruption, cultural and language differences, and health-related problems.

The Migrant Education Hotline: 1.800.234.8848

What is Migrant Education?

The Migrant Education Program (MEP) is a federally funded program designed to provide assistance to those families that have moved within the last three years into the county school district seeking temporary or seasonal agricultural employment.  Migrant children sometimes experience difficulties making the transition into a new school setting. The program is designed to ease the transition by assisting families and children as needed within the guidelines of the Migrant Program.  The MEP provides supplemental services to migrant students to help them succeed in the regular school program, meet the challenging state academic content and student academic achievement standards that all children are expected to meet, and graduate from high school.


Who is eligible to participate?

Eligibility for the program is based on a move (from one school district to another) by a student with his/her parent or guardian, who are attempting to obtain temporary or seasonal work that includes:  tobacco, vegetable, dairy or fruit farming, greenhouse/nursery, mining reclamation, livestock, fishing, forestry, and food or poultry processing.


Age ranges for eligible students are 3-21.


What services are available through the Migrant Education Program?

The Migrant Program staff is available to help identify the needs of families and attempt to provide needed assistance.  We facilitate communication between the school, community agencies, and families to insure coordination of

available resources for the benefit of the children by:


  • Identifying and recruiting eligible migrant students

  • Providing high quality supplemental support services

  • Coordinating assistance to migrant families through partnerships with agencies, organizations and businesses

  • Coordinating with other states to provide continuity of education

  • Assisting in record transfer to new schools

  • Translating

  • Interpreting


Why Migrant Education?

The purpose of the Migrant Education Program, otherwise known as Title I, Part C, of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), is to assist the states to:


  • Support high-quality and comprehensive educational programs for migratory children to help reduce the educational disruptions and other problems that result from repeated moves;

  • Ensure that migratory children who move among different states are not penalized in any manner by disparities among those states in curriculum, graduation requirements, state academic content and student academic achievement standards;

  • Ensure that migratory children are provided with appropriate educational services (including supportive services) that address their special needs in a coordinated and an efficient manner;

  • Design programs to help migratory children overcome educational disruption, cultural and language barriers, social isolation, various health-related problems, and other factors that inhibit the ability of such children to do well in school, and to prepare such children to make a successful transition to post-secondary education or employment; and

  • Ensure that migratory children benefit from state and local systemic reforms.


Office Contacts

Roman M. Gunn - Migrant Lead Teacher - (336) 349-5476 ext. 36205

The Migrant Education Hotline: 1.800.234.8848


Migrant farm workers and their families have a phone number to call for referrals related to education and other services. A family can call the hotline when making a move to get help enrolling their children in school (regular term) or summer school. This call is free and accessible from anywhere in the United States.


Trabajadores de agrícultura migrantes y sus familias tienen un número telefónico al que pueden llamar para solicitar información de educación y otros servicios.

Migrant Education at RCS

Through its Migrant Education Program, the United States Department of Education offers free services for migrant families and their children – independent youth under 22 years of age can also benefit from this help. If you have come from Mexico (or any other Central American country), or if you have moved from one county or state to another within the United States in the last 3 years, in order to seek or obtain agricultural work, you may be entitled to these services at no cost to you.

El Departamento de Educación de los Estados Unidos, a través del Programa de Educación Migrante, ofrece servicios gratuitos a las familias migrantes y sus hijos e hijas – también a jóvenes independientes que tengan menos de 22 años. El haber llegado de México (u otro país de Centroamérica), o el trasladarse de un condado a otro o de un estado a otro dentro de los Estados Unidos con el fin de realizar trabajo agrícola puede ser el primer paso que usted y su familia tengan derecho a estos servicios sin ningún costo para ustedes.











Parent Advisory Council (PAC) Program Summary:

The Rockingham County Migrant Education Program believes that parents are essential partners in building academic success for children.  For this reason all Title I migrant parents will be made aware of the importance of their role in their child’s education. Rockingham County Migrant Education will address the needs of all Title I migrant families and help parents feel welcome in schools regardless of their family situation, education, gender, ethnicity, native language or income level. Since communication is a vital link in this partnership, all staff members will strive to improve communication between the schools and parents.


To accomplish these goals, the program will offer a flexible number of meetings/workshops which will help involve parents in an organized, on-going and timely way of planning, reviewing and improving our program.  These meetings will also provide parents with up-to-date information about the program, provide assistance to parents related to monitoring their child’s progress; and an opportunity to work with staff to improve the performance of their children.


The Rockingham County Migrant Education Program has developed an “Open Door Policy” encouraging parents to visit our program and become essential players in the academic success of their children. 

FREE English Classes

There are a number of FREE english classes offered throughout Rockingham County.  Click on the link below to download a flyer that lists the days, times and locations of each class.

Hay una serie de clases de inglés GRATUITAS que se ofrecen en todo el condado de Rockingham. Haga clic en el enlace de abajo para descargar un folleto que enumera los días, horarios y ubicaciones de cada clase.


Additional Links and Resources:

The North Carolina Migrant Education Program (NCMEP) 



Migrant Education Program Wiki



SAF  Student Action with Farmworkers






Farmworker Advocacy Network 



NCFH National Center for Farmworker Health, Inc.

Migrant/ESL Summer Enrichment

Title II, Part B

Tite II, Part B

Title II funds support professional development needs within the district.  For more information contact Charles Perkins, Assistant Superintendent for K-12 Curriculum 627-2621.

English Second Language

Title III, Part A - English as Second Language

English as Second Language (ESL) Program Description

All new students enrolling in Rockingham County Schools will complete the Home Language Survey, which is part of every enrollment packet. If a student is identified as a language minority student based on the Home Language Survey then the student will be tested to determine their English language proficiency level.


In June 2008, the North Carolina State Board of Education approved the adoption of the WIDA Consortium English language proficiency standards for the 2008-09 school year. The World-Class Instructional Design and Assessment Consortium, otherwise known as the WIDA Consortium, is comprised of states who share English language standards and assessments that are aligned to those standards.


The WIDA Screener will be administered to all initially enrolled language minority students. This test functions as a screener that is used for the initial assessment and English as a Second Language (ESL) program placement of students who are identified as English learners (EL). The annual test, ACCESS for ELLs (Assessing Comprehension and Communication in English State-to State for English Learners), is designed to satisfy NCLB requirements for Title III.


If the student is identified as an English Learner (EL) based on the language proficiency score then the student is then entered into the LEP database and services are determined for the student at the school level.


Any student identified as an EL is eligible for services. Within Rockingham County Schools there are a variety of program models. Most of elementary students are served in either a pull-out or inclusion model of instruction.  Secondary ESL students are served in an ESL elective class and pull out depending on the location.


ESL Lead Teacher - Valerie Pyrtle

email -

phone - 336.445-1997


ESL Instructional Staff



 Dee Dee Dishmon- McMichael & Morehead 

Lindsey Hankins- Douglass, Holmes & Huntsville

Heather Tuggle- Central, Leaksville Spray & Wentworth

Tonya Gerringer- Bethany, Monroeton, South End & Moss Street

Walter Moore- Reidsville High, Rockingham County High, Early College & SCORE

Sheri Wolfe- Western Rockingham Middle, Stoneville & Dillard

Amanda Cannon-  Williamsburg & Lincoln

Beverly Davenport-  Reidsville Middle & Rockingham County Middle

Suggestions? Comments?

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 Rockingham County Schools

 511 Harrington Highway

 Eden, North Carolina 27288

 Phone:  (336) 627-2600  

 Fax:  (336) 627-2660

 Superintendent's E-mail:

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