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RCS AIG Program


If you have questions or concerns about the AIG program or your child's AIG services, please contact Mrs. Lisa Miller, AIG Lead Teacher for Rockingham County Schools at

The vision and mission of Rockingham County Schools' AIG program are in alignment with the district's vision and mission.


Vision 2020 Statement

The Rockingham County Schools' Academically and/or Intellectually Gifted (AIG) program will empower each child to be a life-long learner, equipped to contribute in a changing, complex society. 


RCS AIG Mission Statement

Through effective relationships with family and community partners, the Academically and/or Intellectually Gifted (AIG) program of the Rockingham County School district will provide a safe, dynamic, nurturing, and innovative learning environment in which each child has the opportunity to reach his/her highest potential. To do this effectively, elementary, middle, and high schools will strive to identify and meet the unique educational needs of gifted students who come from all ethnic, cultural, and socio-economic groups. The cultivation of potential in this population must be enhanced through an appropriate match of differentiated services to individual needs as we strive to prepare the students for success in the 21st century. The program encourages critical thinking, creative thinking, and problem solving, while also addressing the social and emotional needs of the students.

North Carolina Gifted Law (Article 9B)

For twenty-five years North Carolina has been a leader in advocacy and legislation for providing an appropriate education for academically gifted students. In August 1996, the General Assembly passed new legislation which changed gifted education in the state. The law, Article 9B, created a multi-tiered system of responsibility and accountability for building a foundation for North Carolina's gifted children. All parts of the foundation — the State Board of Education, the Department of Public Instruction, the local board of education and its system's administration, teachers, parents, and the community — must work together to support the state's high-potential children. The students themselves have also been given responsibility for using the options and support available to them and for working to demonstrate successful performance. (NCAGT website - )

North Carolina State Definition of AIG Students, Article 9B (N.C.G.S. § 115C-150.5)
Academically or intellectually gifted (AIG) students perform or show the potential to perform at substantially high levels of accomplishment when compared with others of their age, experiences or environment. Academically or intellectually gifted students exhibit high performance capability in intellectual areas, specific academic fields, or in both the intellectual areas and specific academic fields. Academically or intellectually gifted students require differentiated educational services beyond those ordinarily provided by the regular educational program. Outstanding abilities are present in students from all cultural groups, across all economic strata, and in all areas of human endeavor.


RCS Plan & Standards

AIG Plan & Standards

AIG 2022-2025 Plan

School districts in North Carolina are required to create a new AIG Plan and submit it to the State Board of Education every three years. All AIG plans have to be reviewed and approved by the local school board before they are submitted to the state. The AIG Program Standards provide guidance to districts on what should be addressed in the AIG plans, and it is expected that a variety of stakeholders are involved in this process. 

During the fall of 2021, data was collected from parents, students, teachers, community members, and administrators to determine our AIG program strengths and areas that are in need of improvement. The district's AIG Advisory Board and AIG Plan Review Team met in early 2022 to review the data and make goals for the 2022-2025 AIG Plan. The AIG department worked with stakeholders in these advisory groups to make necessary changes to the district's criteria for AIG identification and placement, and how services are delivered to AIG students. The aim is to ensure that all students get an appropriately challenging curriculum, all day, every day.  It is our goal with the local AIG plan for 2022-2025 to focus on Equity and Excellence by increasing access and opportunities while also increasing achievement and growth so that students can thrive.


The RCS AIG plan for 2022-2025 can be found through the link below: 

AIG Program Standards

The NC AIG Program Standards were approved by the State Board of Education on July 9, 2009. Revised program standards were approved as State Board of Education Policy in June 2021. The NC AIG Program Standards have been developed to serve as a statewide framework and guide LEAs to develop, coordinate, and implement thoughtful and comprehensive AIG programs. These standards reflect Article 9B (N.C.G.S. § 115C-150.5-.08) and nationally-accepted best practices in gifted education.


Furthermore, the AIG Program Standards help ensure that the needs of AIG students are met and the potential of AIG students is optimally developed. The Program Standards serve as the official guidelines for the development of local AIG plans.


The most recent adopted AIG Program Standards can be accessed through the link below.


RCS AIG Advisory Board

AIG Advisory Board

Rockingham County’s AIG Advisory Board oversees the revision process and makes recommendations to be included in our AIG plan.  This board is composed of administrators, AIG teachers, classroom teachers, parents, at least one guidance counselor, and a school board member.  The teachers come from elementary, middle and high schools and many are parents as well.  Minority representation is present.  Members share input from parents, students, and community as recommendations for revisions are made.  Members of the board serve two-year terms on a rotating basis and evaluate the effectiveness of the plan yearly. If you are interested in serving on the AIG Advisory Board, please contact Lisa Miller, AIG Lead Teacher at 336-634-3209, ext. 49221 or through email at


Each elementary, middle, and high school has an AIG Advisory Council made of a cross-section of stakeholders.  Recommendations from these groups are referred to the county advisory group. 



There are many characteristics that help distinguish a bright child from a gifted child. In the following document, you can read more about the definition & meaning of being gifted.

For decades, myths related to gifted education have had detrimental effects on providing quality instruction for our nation’s high-ability learners. These myths have affected every facet of the field, and in turn have distorted the perception of not only what gifted students need in the classroom, but also what they can offer the nation now and into the future.

Gifted Child

Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT)

Screening and Identification

Screening and Identification

Each spring, the identification/placement teams at the elementary, middle, and high schools review multiple sources of data to determine the best placement for current AIG students the next year and to consider new AIG placements for the upcoming school year. No student is exited from the program unless it is requested by the parent. Any parent, teacher, student, or community member who has academic knowledge of a student can submit a student's name to the school's Instructional Coach for possible consideration as placement in the AIG Program. In order for a student to be placed in the Rockingham County Schools' Academically and/or Intellectually Gifted Program, placement criteria must be met. 

Rockingham County Schools has developed a screening and referral process that leads to informal or formal AIG identification at all grade levels. 

Grades K-3 Screening and Referral
Classroom teachers in grades K-2 refer students they have observed who perform at an advanced level in reading and/or math to the Identification/Placement (I/P) team for talent development.  Once students are referred to the team, teachers must collect observational data using our district's K-2 Observational Inventory that was adapted from the work of Dr. Paul Slocumb and Dr. Ruby Payne in Removing the Math: Giftedness in Poverty.  Students that score in the range of 45-52 on the observational inventory and are performing a year above grade level on universal screeners for reading and/or math are considered for talent development. Student work samples are also considered when making decisions about talent placement.  These students are reviewed on a yearly basis by the I/P team.

All students in grade 3 are screened in December for formal placement using the Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT).  Any student that scores in the 85th percentile or higher on the verbal, quantitative, nonverbal and/or the verbal or quantitative partial composite are placed by the I/P team in a pool that would indicate possible identification.  If a student in the pool scores in the 85th percentile or higher on the reading or math End of Grade Test, they are then referred for formal identification. Any student that scores in the 90th percentile or higher on the verbal, quantitative, nonverbal and/or the verbal or quantitative partial composite on the CogAT is referred by the school’s I/P team for formal identification in reading and/or math. 



Grades 4-7 Screening and Referral
Students in grades 4 - 7 may be referred to the I/P team for possible AIG placement by administrators, parents, students, or teachers.  Once a student is referred, the I/P team will review reading and math EOG data and CogAT scores from previous years. If a student has not previously taken a CogAT, and has additional data that could support a possible AIG placement, then he/she will be administered the CogAT.  If the I/P team finds that the student has scored in the 90th percentile or higher on a past aptitude or achievement test, then they will refer the student for formal placement in reading and/or math.





Grades 8-13 Screening and Referral
Students in grades 8 - 13 may be referred to the I/P team for possible AIG placement by administrators, parents, students, or teachers.  The I/P team will meet at least once per semester to review data and discuss any new possible placements. Annual end-of-grade test results in 8th grade and end-of-course test results at 8th grade and at the high school level will be reviewed as possible entry points for students in grades 8-13.  The I/P team can request that a student be administered the CogAT every two years and results at these grade levels can be utilized to identify academically and/or intellectually gifted students in the areas of reading and/or math. SAT/PSAT or ACT/PACT is also used as a way to screen students for possible placement.  If the I/P team finds that the student has scored a Level 5 on any test, then they will refer the student for formal placement in reading and/or math.

AIG Services

AIG Services

Each school has an instructional coach which provides support to teachers in employing diverse and effective instructional practices.  The instructional coaches collaboratively plan with instructional staff to ensure appropriate services for gifted learners. 

Grades K-3 AIG Services
The K-3 program is intended to nurture and develop the potential of these students.  Students may be identified for talent development and are cluster-grouped in classes.  The instructional coach provides indirect support by collaborating weekly with the regular classroom teachers to plan instruction and review various types of assessment data.  The instructional coach also provides enrichment resources that can be used as lesson extensions or for differentiation.

Grades 4-5 AIG Services
At this level, AIG students are cluster-grouped in classes. The instructional coach collaborates weekly with the regular classroom teachers to plan instruction, teach, and assess AIG students.  Additional opportunities offered include science and math fairs, after-school clubs, Continental Math League, Battle of the Books, and A.S.P.I.R.E. a week long summer enrichment camp.


Grades 6-8 AIG Services
At the middle school level, students are subject-grouped according to their area of identification. The instructional coaches collaboratively plan with instructional staff to ensure appropriate services for gifted learners. Coaching cycles are utilized to facilitate teacher growth and improvement in instructional practices.  Additional opportunities offered include science fairs, field trips, after-school clubs, Middle School Academic Challenge Competition, Battle of the Books, and A.S.P.I.R.E. a week long summer enrichment camp.

Grades 9-13 AIG Services
At the high school level, students are able to self-select courses and participate in special activities. This self-selection process is supported through counseling, DEP meetings, and recommendations from teachers, instructional coaches, and school counselors.  Students have the option to pursue Honors and Advanced Placement classes, college and career promise program, as well as High School Academies.  

Each student has the option of attending a traditional high school program or one of the following academies: 

  • Reidsville High School - IB program/Creative Design and Arts Academy/Machining Lab

  • Morehead High School - Health Science Academy

  • McMichael High School - STEM Academy 

  • Rockingham Early College High School 

In addition to selecting a high school academy, all students can participate in a Virtual Academy.  These online courses are taken in addition to the regular coursework and the majority of the offerings are at an advanced level.  Additional opportunities offered include science fairs, after-school clubs, field trips, Academic Challenge Competition, and Battle of the Books.

Resources for Families

Resources for Families

AIG Instructional Coaches

AIG Instructional Coaches

Bethany Elementary: Kim Shotwell

Central Elementary: Cher Adkins

Dillard Academy: Tina Whitten

Douglass Elementary: Samantha Crews

Huntsville Elementary: Mary Kirkpatrick

Holmes Middle: Brittany Knowles

Leaksville-Spray Elementary: Ashley Drexler

Lincoln Elementary: DeVona Hampton-Williams

McMichael High: Emily Roark

Monroeton Elementary: Andrea Cox

Morehead High: Nicole Gardner

Moss Street Elementary: Jessica Gillie

Reidsville Middle School: Jennifer Walkinshaw


Reidsville High School:  Jared Williams

Rockingham County High: Jennifer Rash 

Rockingham County Early College High: Stephanie Dickens


Rockingham County Middle: Jeanie Clark


South End Elementary: Taylor Corcoran 

Stoneville Elementary: Denise Sears


Western Rockingham Middle: Sherry Webster-Everette

Wentworth Elementary: Meredith Hawkins


Williamsburg Elementary: Jessica Nelson

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 Rockingham County Schools

 511 Harrington Highway

 Eden, North Carolina 27288

 Phone:  (336) 627-2600  

 Fax:  (336) 627-2660

 Superintendent's E-mail:

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